COMPUCCINO Kalani Rathnabharathi Vithya Shanmugam Robert Armstrong Aaron Kulp
2 Project Background Development of a networked smart appliance Remotely controlled appliances: Coffee Maker Toaster Microwave Blender Music System Materialize concepts through two processors communicating with sensors
4 Capstone Focus Web Page CONTROLLE RUser Interface PROCESSOR S COFFEE MAKER Local Sensors & Controllers Ethernet/ Internet
5 Functional Block Diagram Communicate w/ Webpage PROCESSOR 1 PROCESSOR 2 Monitor/ Control Coffee Maker RS-232/RF Grinde r TimerCoffee Strength Brew Cycle H 2 O Qualit y H 2 O Level Heater Contro l Temp Contro l COFFEE MAKER Monitor/ Control Each Function
6 Network Processor The network processor can be one of many peripherals Communicates with the local embedded processors via RS-232 Enables remote connectivity to the appliances Our particular implementation will be an embedded web server From this web page, the user will be able to remotely monitor and control the system
7 Network Processor Cont… Our implementation of the network processor will be an Intel 386 running at 33 MHz on an embedded processor board This processor will run TS-Linux with the Apache web server Board features: Dual RS-232 and RS-485 ports 8 to 32 MB RAM 8 to 128 MB Compact FLASH storage or Disk-on-Chip 40 general purpose digital I/O
8 Remote User Interface The remote user interface will, in this case, consist of an interactive web page hosted by the network processor After logging onto this web page, the user will have access to all of the sensors and be able to control all aspects of the device’s operation Using CGI scripting, this web page will be dynamically configured and will communicate with the local processors via the RS-232 port.
9 Processor 2 Motorola HC12 Demo PCB PCB features: –16 Bit MCU –68K Core –8 ACD Channels and numerous I/O’s –RS-232 Interface (Interface to Processor 1) –BDM interface(Programming and Debugging) –32KBytes of Flash EEPROM –Jumper EEPROM
10 Menu Options - Control Coffee Strength (grinder) Timer (Brew) Clock
11 Menu Options - Monitor Coffee Temperature H 2 O Quality/Level Coffee Strength (Tint) Timer Clock
12 Sensors Through sensors, ability to monitor and control features of coffee making Monitor Coffee grind Strength of Coffee Temperature Control Cup size Time of Brew Temperature
13 Temperature Controls Temperature Monitor Monitoring temperature with sensors that will use variable resistors that changes resistance according to temperature. Transmitting this information to an A to D converter. Temperature Control Turning off hot plate upon censoring of undesired rise in temperature
14 Water Level & Quality Water Level Monitoring Monitoring water level through an ultrasonic sensor attached to lip of coffee pot Monitoring water level through a floating sensor Observing water quality through conductivity of water Water Level Control Observing with ultrasonic sensors the amount of water in pot and then terminating water flow once desired cup size is filled
15 Timer Timer Monitoring Monitoring duration of brew cycle and reporting results locally and remotely to user; reports time elapsed from start of brew Timer Control Controlling initialization of brew upon request for a certain day and time
16 Brew Cycle Monitoring Brew Strength Placing optical sensors at the sides of the coffee pot to measure light intensity and having LED indicators Control of Cup Size Utilizing ultrasonic sensor to periodically sense water level and terminating water flow once desired coffee cup size is realized Grinder Strength Monitor Monitoring through recordings of last brew, controlling how fine the coffee is ground by running the motor, and reporting the status of the current coffee bean grind
17 Power Supply Design our own power supply for desired DC voltages (input AC to 3.3 and or 5 V DC)
18 Safety Features Make sure that the user is shielded from hazardous voltages Utilizing heat insulators around the hot plate to prevent burns Various shut-off switches Grinder Hot plate H 2 0 Reserve (water quality)
19 Division of Labor and Schedule
20 Risks & Contingency Plan Reduce the number of sensors Allotting enough time for unfamiliar technology Allotting enough time for debugging (2weeks)
21 Costs ITEMCOST i386 Embedded Server$300 Coffee Pot$50 CAT-5 Networking Cable$5 RS-232 Crossover cable$5 LCD$10 Keypad$5 Misc. Electronics Components$30 Misc. Mechanical Components$30 Total$435