1 Variable Costing Variable costing –Allows for short-term decision-making which is a reaction to current changes in quantities demanded or supplied –Costs are subdivided into variable costs and fixed costs Variable costs –Their amount is dependant on the quantity of production –They change in direct proportion to production quantity Fixed costs –Costs which stay the same for a certain level of production or sales, are independent of changes in these quantities Mixed costs –Contain elements of both fixed and variable costs
2 Accounting model of costs behavior Costs Level of activity Fixed costs Total costs Variable costs Economic total cost Significance level
3 P/L Statement using total costs Sales Revenue - Costs of good sold = Gross margin from sales - Selling and administration costs = Income from sales
4 Costs according total costing Costs Production costs Non-production costs Indirect production costs Direct labor Direct material Goods in progress Finished goods Administration costs Selling costs P/L Statement Balance sheet solo mentor
5 P/L Statement using variable costing Sales Revenue - Variable costs of good sold - Variable costs of selling & administration = Cover Margin - Fixed production costs - Fixed selling & administration costs = Income from sales
6 Costs according to variable costing Costs Production costs Non-production costs Variable indirect production costs Direct labor Direct material Goods in progress Finished goods Administration costs Selling costs P/L Statement Balance sheet solo mentor Indirect production Costs Fixed indirect Production costs
7 Example: Variable costing Enterprise manufactures and sells a product. Over the last three quarters manufacture and sales were as follows: Quarter IQuarter IIQuarter III Sales manufacture Cost: 10 zł/szt. Costs: Components for manufacture4 Labor1 Variable costs (per unit)5 Indirect manufacture labor2 000 Amortization and upkeep of machines2 500 Selling costs200 Administration costs300 Total costs5 000 Rachunek kosztów zmiennych
8 Cost measurement and benefits of decision- making Significant information –Information about amounts, which will change in the future as a result of decision-making –Informs about financial result of a decision taken Takes into account non-financial factors Takes into account lack of access to information and costs of gathering information Results from data analysis of: quality variables, behavioral variables, organizational internal variables Assesses the impact of decisions' taken on organizational environment
9 Example: Significant information Enterprise manufactures white porcelain of one standard type, without any decorations. Monthly manufacture and sales for on-going clients amounts to 100t of porcelain. 1 kg100 t Revenue5, Costs: Usage of raw materials Production costs* Other indirect cost** Total costs 2,00 1,00 0,50 3, Income1, *Production costs for machinery are fixed for t of manufacture **Costs of production space and maintenance are fixed for t. of manufacture Problem: In the next month an on-time demand decrease for on-going customers of 20% is expected. How should the production capacities be utilized: –on standard order such as for typical clients –on special order of 10t of porcelain - non-standard production Wykorzystanie informacji istotnej
10 Information about a taken decision Incremental/ Differential costs and revenues –Additional costs and revenues, which can be avoided or created as a result of taking particular decision on action to be undertaken –Any cost that is present under one alternative but is absent in whole or in part under another alternative Sunk costs –Costs resulting from decisions taken in the past that cannot be changed as a result of present or future decisions
11 Benefits of opportunity costs Benefits of opportunity costs –Opportunity costs result from not taking the best alternative decision Example: –Foregone benefits Lost revenue from unsold 20t of white porcelain (5,00 zł x kg) Savings of raw materials from unsold 20t of white porcelain (2,00 zł x kg) Foregone benefit costs –Calculation Revenue from sale of special design Costs: benefits foregone starting a manufacture process5 000 usage of raw materials logo painting transport to the buyer3 000 die utilization
12 Problems with measuring costs in decision- making Including non-significant data in the information Exclusion of significant costs Exclusion of opportunity costs Decision costing –E.g. when taking outsourcing decisions