1 Visualization Solutions for Effective Communication Warren C. Weber California State Polytechnic University, Pomona
2 Escaping “Flatland” We are caught up in a two- dimensional world which we need to escape (letters, reports, ) We need to envision information that is complex and multivariate We must try to enrich the density of data displays
3 Purposes of this Presentation Explain the nature of “visualization” Examine techniques of designing information Provide examples of visualization tools and techniques Suggest visualization techniques for training and education
4 What is Visualization? 1. Forming mental images or pictures to make things and ideas more perceptible to the mind or imagination. (“A picture is worth a thousand words”) 2. Exploring data, information, and processes graphically to understand and gain insight
5 Directing the “movies of your mind” Create mental images which can be transformed into reality To say “I see!” is to mean “I understand”
6 Positive Mental Imagery Athletes Dick Fosbury—high jumper Business Deals Onassis, Hilton “Think and Grow Rich” “The Power of Positive Thinking”
7 The Communicator’s Task Communicators should make it easy for others to visualize the reality of the way things are. Transform data and information into forms (graphic) that can be quickly and effectively understood Aid others in understanding real- world situations clearly
8 Two Aspects of Visualization 1. More effective use of traditional graphics (figures, graphs, tables) 2. Capitalizing on “scientific visualization” techniques to gain insight and understanding into data and processes
9 Evolving Communication Techniques Traditional Improved Visualization Rich
10 Level A—Traditional Oral (speaking) Written (letters, reports, memorandums) Numbers Typography Drawings Statistics Managing Data Sets
11 Level B—Improved Telecommunications Tables Figures, Graphs, Photography Moving Pictures Multivariate Statistical Analysis
12 Level C—Visualization Rich Digital Sound Processing V-Mail Simulations Stereoscopic (3-D) Images Metamorphosis Holography Virtual Reality
13 Presentation Graphics vs. Visualization Presentation Graphics—Communicating results already understood Visualization—Seeking to understand and gain insight into data and processes
14 Envisioning Information Work at the intersection of Image, Word, Number, and Art
15 Developing Effective Visual Displays Transform raw data into pictures and words Utilize writing, typography, managing data sets, statistical analysis, and basic rules of design Simultaneously present words, numbers, and pictures
16 Graphical Excellence Well-designed presentation of interesting data Complex ideas communicated with clarity, precision, and efficiency Greatest number of ideas in shortest time with least ink in the smallest space Multivariate Telling the truth about the data
17 Graphical Integrity Some graphics “lie” due to distortion and differences in perception among the viewers and the context in which they are seen
18 The “Lie” Factor Size of Effect Shown in Graphic Size of Effect in Data =
19 Skills Required to Produce Good Graphics Substantive Statistical Artistic
20 Computers Allow Easy Preparation of Graphs But, there is a tendency to use computers without the statistical or artistic knowledge of what makes a good graph
21 Small Multiples Showing complex data in a relatively small area—allow viewer to see large amounts of data at once
22 Aesthetics and Technique Good format and design Use words, numbers, and drawing together Balance, proportion, relevant scale Accessible complexity of detail Narrative quality—tell a story Avoid unnecessary decoration or “chartjunk”
23 “Friendly” Graphics Words spelled out Labels placed on the graphic Graphic attracts viewers, provokes curiosity Colors chosen so that even color- deficient and color-blind can understand Type clear, precise, modest. Upper/lower case, with serifs
24 Column Chart
25 Area Chart
26 Scientific Visualization Tools Motion picture and video techniques—digital effects Computer animation and 3-D modeling Simulations Metamorphosis Holography Artificial (Virtual) Reality
27 Uses of Scientific Visualization Previously unseen or understood phenomena and processes Design—automobiles, airplanes, clothing Cosmetic surgery, hairstyling Weather forecasting, oil, space, and mineral exploration Crime reënactment
28 Uses of Scientific Visualization, Cont’d. Non-destructive and non-evasive examination of internal living organisms Genetic engineering Turbulence effect of fluid flows Interactive steering of computations
43 Understanding Ideas Debating the interrelationships of Design, Business, Engineering, Creativity, and Quality
44 Training Objectives for Improving Visualization Perception Basic statistical and computer concepts Basic design principles Principles of graphical excellence, integrity, and aesthetics Examples of visualization hardware and software
45 Recommendations Avoid thinking in “two- dimensional flatland” and include 3-D concepts in education Help learners envision complex, multivariate data and processes more easily by involving these concepts in education.
46 Have you visualized some... Questions? ?