Significant Figures – start at the left and proceed to the right 1.If the number does not have a decimal point count until there are no more non zero numbers 2.If the number has a decimal point start counting at the first non-zero number and continue counting until you run out of decimal places Vocabulary 1.Observation 2.Hypothesis 3.Experiment 4.Theory 5.Law 6.Chemistry 7.Matter 8.Energy 9.Chemical Properties 10.Physical Properties 11.Extensive Properties 12.Intensive Properties 13.Scientific (natural) law 14.Anion 15.Cation 16.Molecular Geometry 17.Law of Conservation of Mass 18.Law of Conservation of Energy 19.Exact numbers 20.Accuracy 21.Precision 22.compounds 23.molecules 24.chemical formula 25.empirical formula 26.molecular formula 27.structural formula line formula 29.ball and stick model filling model 31.mole 32.Electronic Geometry 33.percent weight 34.percent error 35.percent composition 36.percent yield 37.%RSD 38.limiting reactant 39.Stoichiometry 40.Stoichiometric Coefficient 41.Electron Affinity 42.Electronegativity 43.Covalent Bond 44.Ionic Bond 45.Dipole 46.London Dispersion Forces 47.Resonance 48.Hybrid orbital 49.area of high electron density
MonovalentDivalentTrivalent HydroniumH3O+H3O+ MagnesiumMg 2+ AluminiumAl 3+ (or hydrogen)H+H+ CalciumCa 2+ Antimony IIISb 3+ LithiumLi + StrontiumSr 2+ Bismuth IIIBi 3+ SodiumNa + BerylliumBe 2+ PotassiumK+K+ Manganese IIMn 2+ RubidiumRb + BariumBa 2+ CesiumCs + ZincZn 2+ FranciumFr + CadmiumCd 2+ SilverAg + Nickel IINi 2+ AmmoniumNH 4 + Palladium IIPd 2+ ThaliumTl + Platinum IIPt 2+ Copper ICu + Copper IICu 2+ Mercury IIHg 2+ Mercury IHg 2 2+ Iron IIFe 2+ Iron IIIFe 3+ Cobalt IICo 2+ Cobalt IIICo 3+ Chromium IICr 2+ Chromium IIICr 3+ Lead IIPb 2+ Tin IISn 2+ Table of Common Ions Common Positive Ions (Cations)
MonovalentDivalentTrivalent HydrideH-H- OxideO 2- NitrideN 3- FluorideFl - PeroxideO 2 2- ChlorideCl - SulfideS 2- BromideBr - SelenideSe 2- IodideI-I- OxalateC 2 O 4 2- HydroxideOH - ChromateCrO 4 2- PermanganteMnO 4 - DichromateCr 2 O 7 2- CyanideCN - TungstateWO 4 2- ThiocynateSCN - MolybdateMoO 4 2- AcetateC2H3O2-C2H3O2- tetrathionateS 4 O 6 2- NitrateNO 3 - ThiosulfateS 2 O 3 2- BisulfiteHSO 3 - SulfiteSO 3 2- BisulfateHSO 4 - SulfateSO 4 2- BicarbonateHCO 3 - CarbonateCO 3 2- Dihydrogen phosphateH 2 PO 4 - Hydrogen phosphateHPO 4 2- PhosphatePO 4 3- NitriteNO 2 - AmideNH 2 - HypochloriteClO - ChloriteClO 2 - ChlorateClO 3 - PerchlorateClO 4 - Table of Common Ions Common Negative Ions (Anions)
mass of molecule Molar Mass given or calculated from periodic table Mass of element, or reactant or product Number of atoms, or molecules of reactant or product Avogadro's Number Number of molecules Molar Ratio moles of element, or other reactant or product moles of molecule Avogadro's Number Calculate from molecular formula or balanced equation Molar Mass given or calculated from periodic table Given or determined from balanced stoichiometric equation Vol solution density Concentration solution molarity, ppm, molality, normality, etc. These concepts lead to solving problems determining limiting reactant and percent yield.
The principal quantum number has the symbol ~ n which defines the energy of the shell n = 1, 2, 3, 4, “shells” The angular momentum quantum number has the symbol ~ which defines the subshells. = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (n-1) = s, p, d, f, g, h, (n-1) The symbol for the magnetic quantum number is m which defines the orbital. m = -, (- + 1), (- +2),.....0, , ( -2), ( -1), The last quantum number is the spin quantum number which has the symbol m s which characterizes the single electron. The spin quantum number only has two possible values. m s = +½ or -½ one spin up ↑ and one spin down↓ Quantum Numbers n and define the energy of the electron The Nucleus: Build by adding the required number of protons (the atomic number) and neutrons (the mass of the atom) Pauli’s Exclusion Principle states that paired electrons in an orbital will have opposite spins. Electrons: Hund’s Rule states that each orbital will be filled singly before pairing begins. The singly filled orbitals will have a parallel spin. Fill the electrons in starting with the lowest energy level adhering to Hund’s and Pauli’s rules.
IonicPolar Covalent Covalent Determine Inductive effect Count the number of electrons the element should have Determine how equally electrons are shared ( EN) >1.7 consider it ionic Oxidation number Formal charge Never Have a Full Octet Always Have a Full Octet Sometimes Have a Full Octet Sometimes Exceed a Full Octet To calculate a formal charge 1.draw the Lewis dot structure 2.draw circles around each atom and the electrons associated with it. Remember that formal charges are associated with covalent bonds and that all electrons are shared equally. to the group number for that atom. If the number is larger the formal charge is negative, smaller the formal charge is positive. To calculate an oxidation number 1.list all the elements follow with an equal sign 2.follow with the number of atoms of that type in the molecule 1.follow with a multiplication sign 2.If the element is O follow with a -2 3.If the element is H follow with a +1 4.any other element enter a ? 5.follow with an = sign, do the math 6.draw a total line, then enter the charge on the molecule 7.Do the algebra backwards to solve for ?
Summary of Electronic & Molecular Geometries Regions of High Electron Density Electronic GeometryHybridization 2Linearsp 3Trigonal planarsp 2 4Tetrahedralsp 3 5Trigonal bipyramidalsp 3 d 6Octahedralsp 3 d 2 VSEPR Theory Lone pair to lone pair is the strongest repulsion. 2Lone pair to bonding pair is intermediate repulsion. 3Bonding pair to bonding pair is weakest repulsion. Mnemonic for repulsion strengths lp/lp > lp/bp > bp/bp Lone pair to lone pair repulsion is why bond angles in water are less than o. Electronic geometry Electronic geometry is determined by the locations of regions of high electron density around the central atom(s). Electron pairs are not used in the molecular geometry determination just the positions of the atoms in the molecule are used. Molecular geometry Molecular geometry determined by the arrangement of atoms around the central atom(s).