Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC12 Arithmetic Chapter 3
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC12 Arithmetic Addition and Subtraction –Double Numbers Multiplication Division Shift and Rotate Instructions
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Addition and Subtraction
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell
68HC12 code for 1+, 2+ ; 1+ ( n -- n+1 ) ONEP LDD 0,X ADDD #1 STD 0,X RTS ; 2+ ( n -- n+2 ) TWOP LDD 0,X ADDD #2 STD 0,X RTS
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC12 code for 1-, 2- ; 1- ( n -- n-1 ) ONEP LDD 0,X SUBD #1 STD 0,X RTS ; 2- ( n -- n-2 ) TWOP LDD 0,X SUBD #2 STD 0,X RTS
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC12 Arithmetic Addition and Subtraction –Double Numbers Multiplication Division Shift and Rotate Instructions
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Double Numbers
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Adding Double Numbers
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Subtracting Double Numbers
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell
68HC12 Arithmetic Addition and Subtraction –Double Numbers Multiplication Division Shift and Rotate Instructions
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Multiplication
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Multiplication
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Multiplication
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC11: A, B, C, D are 8 bits 16 x 16 => 32-bit product 68HC12: A, B, C, D could be 16 bits 32 x 32 => 64-bit product
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Multiplication - DUM*
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell WHYP Multiplication Examples
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC12 Arithmetic Addition and Subtraction –Double Numbers Multiplication Division Shift and Rotate Instructions
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Division
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell
WHYP uses symetric (not floored) division
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell
Examples of using / and MOD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell
Examples of using UM/MOD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell MU/MOD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Examples of using MU/MOD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell M/MOD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Examples of using M/MOD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell */
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Examples of using */
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell IDIV
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell U/
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Examples of using IDIV and U/
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell FDIV
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Examples of using FDIV
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC11 version of UM/MOD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 68HC12 Arithmetic Addition and Subtraction –Double Numbers Multiplication Division Shift and Rotate Instructions
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell
Logic Shift Left LSL, LSLA, LSLB C Bit C Bit AB LSLD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Logic Shift Right LSR, LSRA, LSRB C Bit C Bit AB LSRD
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Arithmetic Shift Right ASR, ASRA, ASRB C
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Rotate Left ROL, ROLA, ROLB C Bit
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell Rotate Right ROR, RORA, RORB C Bit
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell 2*, 2/, and U2/
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell LSHIFT and RSHIFT
Design of Embedded Systems Using 68HC12(11) Microcontrollers - R. E. Haskell