Welcome to CE 3 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Dr. Hayden or Professor Hayden 215 Votey
Syllabus Highlights Laboratory: Thursday 2:00- 4:30 Required Texts: A Guide to Writing as an Engineer, booklet and lots of handouts Three-ring (1 ½” min) binder with dividers Grading: Attendance, participation, preparation, attitude and notebooks (25%) Homework, quizzes, labs, reports and presentations (50%) Final Project (25%) Last day of Class Nov 16
Course Objectives The Big Picture
Objective 1: Build connections and networking among first year students and others in CEE
Objective 2: Learn about civil and environmental engineering Structures and structural analysis Transportation Soils and geotechnical engineerng Environmental engineering
Objective 3: Introduce important big picture concepts systems thinking critical thinking sustainability social responsibility ecology and ecological footprint
Objective 4: Introduce ideas and skills needed for success Communication (written, visual, verbal) Teamwork Self-assessment Time management Organization
Objective 5: Provide hands-on experiences that are interesting and fun Catamount Community Projects Truss building and busting Soil testing Computer modeling
Today’s Lab Session Meet at 2:00 in 105 Votey Lab assignment due at end of lab today!