TiMREX Meeting, Boulder, 13 September 2007WesternCentral Eastern UW TiMREX Orographic Precipitation Study Houze, Medina, Brodzik UW TiMREX Orographic Precipitation Study Houze, Medina, Brodzik DryMoist DryMoist Himalayas Taiwan Deep Intense Cores 40 dBZ echo 40 dBZ echo > 10 km in height > 10 km in height Deep Intense Cores 40 dBZ echo 40 dBZ echo > 10 km in height > 10 km in height Himalayan Study (Houze, Wilton, Smull, 2007) Himalayan Study (Houze, Wilton, Smull, 2007) TiMREXTiMREX
TiMREX Meeting, Boulder, 13 September 2007 UW TiMREX Science Objectives Vertical structure of MCSs Height Tilt Microphysical structure Durnal triggering of orographically induced deep convection Daytime Nightime Large-scale factors Capping inversion? Low-level moist flow Vertical structure of MCSs Height Tilt Microphysical structure Durnal triggering of orographically induced deep convection Daytime Nightime Large-scale factors Capping inversion? Low-level moist flow
TiMREX Meeting, Boulder, 13 September 2007 UW TiMREX Data Needs Radar S-Pol Taiwan Operational radars at the 4 southern sites Vertically pointing radars in 2-3 locations Soundings Rawinsondes upstream of mountains Boundary layer soundings Satellite Geosynchronous, high time resolution Model high-resolution output Microphysical processes & fields Thermo Winds Radar S-Pol Taiwan Operational radars at the 4 southern sites Vertically pointing radars in 2-3 locations Soundings Rawinsondes upstream of mountains Boundary layer soundings Satellite Geosynchronous, high time resolution Model high-resolution output Microphysical processes & fields Thermo Winds
TiMREX Meeting, Boulder, 13 September 2007
A case of deep isolated 40 dBZ core 14 June 2002