CS 326 A: Motion Planning Coordination of Multiple Robots
Two Main Approaches Decoupled Planning: Plan for each robot independently of the others and coordinate them later Several possible schemes Centralized Planning: Plan the motion of the robots in their “composite” configuration space
Planning with Moving Obstacles Dealing with moving obstacles require planning a trajectory , i.e., a path indexed by time is conveniently represented in configuration x time space by a continuous curve whose tangent always projects positively along the time axis Obstacles map as forbidden regions in CT-space. Constraints on velocity constrain tangents to . Constraints on acceleration constrain curvature of
Example t x y
Coordination of Multiple Robots Does not require explicit introduction of time (except if there are moving obstacles) Only requires using the same parameter to index the paths of the coordinated robots Using the same indexing parameter corresponds to fixing the relative velocities of the robots
Decoupled Planning Pure velocity tuning: (1) Separately plan a path of each robot to avoid collision with (static) obstacles (2) Compute the relative velocities of the robots to avoid inter-robot collision (e.g., coordination diagram)
Decoupled Planning Pure velocity tuning: Robot prioritization: - Plan path of a first robot in its C-space - Iterate: Plan trajectory of ith robot in its CT-space assuming that robots 1,…,i-1 are obstacles moving at some velocities
Centralized Planning Plan collision-free path in composite configuration C 1 x C 2 x…x C p space of the p robots Forbidden regions in composite C-space are all configurations where either a robot collide with an obstacle or two robots collide with each other The projection of into C i is the path of the ith robot
Pros and Cons Assume p robots with n degrees of freedom each. Worst-case complexity of centralized planning is ~ e np Worst-case complexity of decoupled planning is ~ pe n << e np But decoupled planning is incomplete
Multi-Robot Example N robot = 6 x 5,000; N obst = 21,000 T av = 29 s Centralized planning 36 dofs
Centralized vs. Decoupled Planning Averages over 20 runs