Lecture 16 Cramer’s Rule, Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Shang-Hua Teng
Determinants and Linear System Cramer’s Rule
Cramer’s Rule If det A is not zero, then Ax = b has the unique solution
Cramer’s Rule for Inverse Proof:
Where Does Matrices Come From?
Computer Science Graphs: G = (V,E)
Internet Graph
View Internet Graph on Spheres
Graphs in Scientific Computing
Resource Allocation Graph
Road Map
Matrices Representation of graphs Adjacency matrix:
Adjacency Matrix:
Matrix of Graphs Adjacency Matrix: If A(i, j) = 1: edge exists Else A(i, j) =
Laplacian of Graphs
Matrix of Weighted Graphs Weighted Matrix: If A(i, j) = w(i,j): edge exists Else A(i, j) = infty
Random walks How long does it take to get completely lost?
Random walks Transition Matrix
Markov Matrix Every entry is non-negative Every column adds to 1 A Markov matrix defines a Markov chain
Other Matrices Projections Rotations Permutations Reflections
Term-Document Matrix Index each document (by human or by computer) –f ij counts, frequencies, weights, etc Each document can be regarded as a point in m dimensions
Document-Term Matrix Index each document (by human or by computer) –f ij counts, frequencies, weights, etc Each document can be regarded as a point in n dimensions
Term Occurrence Matrix
c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 m1 m2 m3 m4 human interface computer user system response time EPS survey trees graph minors
Matrix in Image Processing
Random walks How long does it take to get completely lost?
Random walks Transition Matrix