Second Meeting of Japan-US Working Subgroup for JOINT JAPAN-US COLLABORATION IN Washington, DC on November 14-16, 1978 Members USJapan William Wallenmeyer,


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Presentation transcript:

Second Meeting of Japan-US Working Subgroup for JOINT JAPAN-US COLLABORATION IN Washington, DC on November 14-16, 1978 Members USJapan William Wallenmeyer, DOETaijin Saito, MOESC Leon Lederman, FermilabTetsuji Nishikawa, KEK. Satoshi Ozaki, BNL Jack Sandweis, Yale University Bernard Hildebrand, DOE

Joint Sub Group Meeting for The JAPAN/US Collaboration on HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS on MAY 28-29, 1979 in WASHINGTON, DC From Japan T. Nishikawa, Director-General, KEK H. Ueki, Director, Science Division, MOESC H. Nagasue, Director, Research Cooperation Division, KEK. T. Fujii; Professor, Tohoku University. T. Kitagaki, Professor, Tohoku University. U.S J. Leiss, Associate Director, Office of Energy Research, for HE and NP, DOE. J. Ballam, Associate Director for Research Division, SLAC. R. Birge, Associate Director for Physics Division, LBL. B. Hildebrand, Branch Chief for Physics Research, Division of High Energy Physics, DOE. L. Lederman, Director-Designate, Fermilab S. Ozaki, Senior Physicist, Group Leader, BNL R. Rau; Associate Director for High Energy Physics, BNL J. Sandweiss, Chairman Department of Physics, Yale University A. Tollestrup; Head, Colliding Beam Detector Group, Fermilab W. Wallenmeyer, Director, Division of High Energy Physics, DOE J. Metzler, International Affairs, DOE J. Stekert, Planning and Evaluation, DOE R. Summers, Office of Energy Research, DOE

John Metzler (DOE) 2 Satoshi Ozaki (BNL) 3 Jack Blasy (DOE) 4 Jack Sandweiss (Yale) 5 Ronnie Rau (BNL) 6 William Wallenmeyer (DOE) 7 Stan Stamp (DOE) 8 Joe Ballam (SLAC) 14Pief Panofsky (SLAC) 15Toshio Kitagaki (Tohoku U.) 16 Tadao Fujii (U. of Tokyo) 17 Tetsuji Nishikawa (KEK) 18 Bernie Hildebrand (DOE) 19 Gakuji Shigeto (MOE) 20 Ken Kikuchi (KEK) 21Katsuyoshi Haga (KEK) 9James Leiss (DOE) 10Robert Birge (LBNL) 11 Gyo Takeda (Tohoku U.) 12 Leon Lederman (FNAL) 13 Kohei Shinozawa (MOE)