The Music Business – Part 3 Copyright Basics Presented by: Debra J. Fickler, Esq.
Copyrights 17 USC § 101 et seq. 1 Subject matter and Scope of Copyright 2 Copyright Ownership and Transfer 3 Duration of Copyright 4 Copyright Notice, Deposit and Reg. 5 Copyright Infringement and Remedies
Copyright Subsists in Original Works of Authorship: Fixed in any tangible medium of expression Some minimal level of creativity is required
Copyright Protects: Written works, music, dramatic works, pantomimes and choreographic works, pictorial, graphic and sculptural works, motion pictures and other audiovisual works, sound recordings, architectural works and computer software –Compilations –Derivative works
Copyright does NOT protect: Works not been fixed in tangible form of expression Titles, names, short phrases and slogans; familiar symbols or designs; mere variations of lettering or coloring; mere listing of ingredients or contents Ideas, procedures, processes
Rights of the Copyright Owner Right to prevent others from: –Reproducing the work, preparing derivative works, distributing copies, performing the work publicly, displaying the work publicly, transmitting Certain works of visual arts also have rights of attribution and integrity Exception: Doctrine of Fair Use
Doctrine of Fair Use Permits limited use by non-owners Strict Limits: –Non-substantial portions –Only for purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research –Non-commercial use
Who Owns the Copyright? Author = Owner Exception: The Doctrine of Work Made for Hire
Work Made for Hire Work prepared by employee within the scope of his or her employment; or Specially ordered or commissioned AND –For use as: A contribution to a collective work; Part of a motion picture or other audiovisual work; A translation; A supplementary work; A compilation; An instructional text; AND Only if parties expressly agree in a signed, written agreement.
Work Made for Hire (continued) Why WMFH usually does not apply: –Contract employees own their own work –Work does not fall into one of enumerated categories –No agreement or agreement not in writing –Author does not sign agreement Solution: Get an assignment
Duration of Copyrights Works created after January 1, 1978 –Author’s life plus 70 years –Joint works – last surviving author’s life plus 70 years –WMFH, anonymous and some pseudonymous works – shorter of 95 years from publication or 120 years from creation Works created before January 1, 1978 – ask your copyright lawyer
How Copyrights Are Secured Registration: file application for registration with Library of Congress –Three month reach back from publication –Specimen(s) required – Can file at any time during life of copyright
Avoid “Innocent Infringement” Copyright work should be marked with ©, “copyright” or “copr.” plus publication date and name of author or other owner
Deposit Material
Copyright Considerations Music Arrangement Lyrics Complied Work – Album Performance Art Work
Licenses Public Performance License Reproduction Rights Authorized to make copies Mechanical License Licensed to reproduce and distribute Synchronization License Music composition to audio-visual work Digital Performance Rights Internet streaming
Industry Organizations ASCAP BMI SESAC Specific Countries/Regions Jukebox License Office Music Trade Associations
Examples of Licenses Blanket License –ASCAP: repertory of over 8.5 million songs –Replay of music or perform –No Dramatic Performances –No Mechanical Rights Program License –Per Use
Licenses (cont.) Performance Rights –Place open to public –Performance that is transmitted by device Record Label Retransmission Rebroadcast of concert Sound Recording Typically owned by record label Synchronization Rights
Royalties ASCAP compulsory mechanical CD Rate –9.1 cents per composition –plus1.75 cent per minute for songs over 5 minutes –No Mechanical Rights Royalties go to members (minus costs) Examples
ASCAP Exemptions Religious organizations Non-profit educational uses Institutions that sell music Government State fairs and agricultural events Veterans/fraternal charitable events Charitable performances (No fee or pay) Movie theaters
About the Presenter : Debra J. Fickler is an attorney with Fickler Law Office, LLC. She has experience in several areas of intellectual property law with a focus on patent, trademark and copyright procurement and enforcement. She also has experience in patent, copyright and trade secret litigation including appeal matters. She is registered to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Fickler Law Office LLC Main Street Suite 900 Kansas City, MO | Fax: 816 | You may Debra at
The Music Business – Part 3 Copyright Basics