E = h ν
λν = c [ m/s]
~ nm Take 500 nm
Boltzman T [ o K]n 2 /n x x x ,0006 x ,0003 x ,4001 % 10, % 20,00024 % 50,00056 %
Grotthuss-Draper law: Only the light absorbed in a molecule can produce photochemical Change in the molecule (1871 and 1841) Stark - Einstein: If a species absorbs radiation, then one particle is excited for each quantum of radiation absorbed
Stark - Einstein: If a species absorbs radiation, then one particle is excited for each quantum of radiation absorbed QUANTUM YIELD: Φ = The number of molecules of reactant consumed for each quantum of radiation absorbed Primary Φ ≤ 1 Sum of all primary Φ’s = 1
Photochemical kinetics
Transmittance Absorbance Beer’s Law
Molar extinction Coefficient ~250 L.mol -1 cm -1 Cross section ~ cm 2
NB 1: Beer fails when photochemistry happens NB 2: The photophysics Is hidden in σ (So we haven’t done much yet)
Absorption of a mixture
Photochemical kinetics STEADY STATE HYPOTESIS
NB 2: The photophysics Is hidden in σ (So we haven’t done much yet)
EINSTEIN COEFFICIENT # of transitions / second: Amplitude of TRANSITION MOMENT # of molecules degeneracy Radiation density =# of photons/unit freq.
Stimulated emission Spontaneous emission
Stimulated emission Spontaneous emission
Boltzman Planck
Oscillator strength
Lifetimes Einstein coefficients are rate constants
Heisenberg may have been here
Contributions to excited state lifetime Natural lifetime Pressure broadening Saturaiton broadening Doppler broadening NB: f(v) in a gas is Gaussian Doppler line shape is Gausian
(depends on coordinates of electrons and nuclei And on time) electrons Nuclei
NB: Resonant frequency NB 1: I = f e 0 and µ becomes permanent dipole NB 2: ν if as beat frequency NB 3:compare to nuclear vibrations
Compare s -1 to IR: Nuclear motion is 2 orders of Magnitude slower than Electronic motion Born-Oppenheimer approximation
Orthogonal (no overlap) tells if allowed or forbidden: must be symmetric selection rules Franck-condon factors
M x is odd:
One more parameter………. SPIN αβ updown ↑↓ +½-½
If we can separate space and spin (no spin-orbit coupling):
Conical Intersections R1 R2 E