A Typical Front & Back office operating structure has no opportunity for optimising resource and processes and gaining efficiencies and growth within the business Existing call systems control the flow of calls/movement of people and does not allow overflow from one group to another - via internet/ - via Phone - via Fax - via Letter INFLEXIBLE SILOS Multiple ring fenced teams specialised by product, location and medium No workload balancing between teams Different Management styles No performance Management Inbound driven by customers – no blended capability Other channels dealt with as separate silos of activity at each location
But by deploying an operating structure as a Multimedia Customer Management Centre, all existing business operating units operate as part of an end-to-end process and enables capacity for growth CLOUD BASED/IP CONTACT CENTRE SALES ACCOUNT MGT SERVICE UP/CROSS SELL RETENTION CLAIMS CRM/BPM/WORKFLOW/PROCESS DESIGN & ANALYTICS Overlaps create win- win situations Adds value at any touch point Everyone is part of the same communication loop Performance managed environment with Integrated and blended delivery of client/customer needs, irrespective of channel, based on skills, business rules, and supported by knowledge base, CTI and Enterprise Routing & Reporting Software driven “Encompasses the whole process with grey areas where people’s skills match customer / / / / SMS / Web Chat / BRIDGE TEAM CONTROLS M I KPI’s and analysis Contact Routing Strategies Skills/role assignments IVR WFM Voice recording CTI Screen design/build Workflow rules DOCUMENT MGT DOCUMENT SCANNING OPEN ARCHITECTURE DATABASE SYSTEM
This change to an integrated “Contact Centre” can be illustrated by this MI Relationship Diagram and what normally happens in a separate front & back office… G1G2 MELTDOWN MANAGED G3 Volumes Costs Service Levels Volumes Costs Service Levels 1. “Old” Front & Back Office 2. Contact Centre Time Volumes Additional Resources Additional Costs Increased Revenue No Profit Increase Impact of G1 on 1. Competitive Challenges Redirected Resources Reduced Training Employ Temps Impact of G2 on 1. Service Levels Freefall More Repeat Calls Escalating Costs Staff Morale Collapses Impact of G3 on 1.