Zen, and the Art of Neural Decoding using an EM Algorithm Parameterized Kalman Filter and Gaussian Spatial Smoothing Michael Prerau, MS
Encoding/Decoding Process Generate a smoothed Gaussian white noise stimulus Generate a random kernel, D and convolve with the stimulus to generate a spike rate Drive Poisson spike generator Decode and find K Use K to decode from new stimuli “real time”
Encoding/Decoding Process
Decoded Estimate
State-Space Modeling Hidden State: Where sputnik really is Observations: What the towers see State equation: How sputnik ideally moves Observation equation: If we knew where sputnik was, how would that relate to our observations? Parameters:
State-Space Modeling Observations State estimate
The Kalman Filter Gaussian state The actual stimulus intensity Gaussian observations The filtered estimate State Equation Observation Equation State Estimate
State Equation: Random Walk AR Model Observation Equation: Linear Model Parameters The Kalman Filter Application to the Intensity Estimate where
Complete Data Likelihood Log-likelihood The Kalman Filter Application to the Intensity Estimate
Forward Filter Derivation Most likely hidden state will maximize log-likelihood: Maximize for x k and solve: Arrange Kalman style:
For hidden state variance, first take the 2 nd derivative of the log likelihood: Then take the negative of the inverse for the variance of the hidden state: Forward Filter Derivation
The EM Algorithm Suppose we don’t know the parameter values? Use the Expectation Maximization (EM) Algorithm (Dempster, Laird, and Rubin, 1977) Iterative maximization E-step: Take the most likely (Expected value) value of the state process given the parameters M-step: Maximize for the most likely parameters given the estimated state values
E-Step for Intensity Model Take the expected value of the joint likelihood: We will encounter terms such as: Can be solved with the state-space covariance algorithm (De Jong and MacKinnon, 1988)
Example : M-Step for Intensity Model For the M-Step, maximize with respect to each parameter. Set equal to zero and solve
M-Step for Intensity Model M-Step Summary:
The EM Algorithm
Kalman Estimate
2D Gaussian Spatial Smoothing
Gaussian Spatially Smoothed Estimate
Kalman Filtering the Gaussian Smoothed Estimate
Stimulus S est KalmanGaussian Smoothed Kalman