GEOLOGY Study of the Earth’s processes. Science that is concerned with the history of the Earth and its life, especially as recorded in rocks.
Atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, mantle and core (biosphere)
Core 3,470 km 2,151 mi Mantle 2,900 km 1,798 mi Crust 30 km 20 mi Total 6,370 km 3,949 mi Outer core 2250 km 1395 mi Inner core 1220 km 756 mi
Geologists study earth’s processes, e.g. earthquakes, volcanoes, sand dune formation, floods, ground water quality and quantity. Earth is Dynamic!!!
What does geology do (for me)? The natural resources that shape the modern world come, in part, through geological knowledge. Geologists locate the ingredients for cement, concrete, asphalt and steel for construction, oil, gas and coal that fuel our automobiles and light and heat our homes.
They locate suitable sources of water (quantity and quality), and safe construction and waste disposal sites.
Hypothesis theorylaw Scientific Method
Doctrine of Uniformitarianism James Hutton ( ) Processes now operating to modify earth have operated also in the geologic past. There is a uniformity of processes past and present.
The present is the key to the past.
differentiation (formation of core, mantle and crust due to heat) degassing and formation of water (“today’s” Earth) Formation of the Earth Big bang condensation Planetesimals accreation
Erosion and Sedimentation Heat and Pressure Melting and crystallization Rock Cycle
Geologic Time relative vs absolute
Plate Tectonics Continental drift Sea floor spreading Plate Tectonics Eleven major plates (some contain both continental and oceanic materials)
Types of Plates Divergent Convergent Subduction