Ft. Kent Weather Database Student: David Southern Instructor: Tony Gauvin 27 April 2009
Proposal My Initial Proposal was for a weather database for the Month of April for Fort Kent, However, I was having so much fun creating it, I also added the month of March to my database.
Database Layout My database is comprise of three tables, With the names of: location, march, and april. The structure of which, should become obvious in the following slides. After sketching the database design out, I created the database using the following steps. My database can be found on my littleblack server.
Creating the Database
Creating Tables
Populate the Tables
Creating View for Users After testing my database, I then created a series of views for my users, using the following steps. These are just two, out of the four that I created for my users.
Creating Views (cont)
Create Views (cont)
Actual Views
Actual Views (cont)
Things I learned I found out I really like databases! There is a tremendous amount of skill involved to be able to build and manipulated databases correctly.
Problem Areas The biggest problem that I had concerns using Datetime data types. Under SQL Server 2005, Datetime produces the date and time, along with minutes and seconds. To get around this, I ended up in my views converting the dates to CHAR. This nagging problem has been corrected in SQL Server 2007, with the DATE data type
References The following I used to collect and verify my data in my database. http;// My own home weather station
Additional Inclusions in my Capstone Script I created to create my tables, and populate the tables. Four scripts to create my views that I provided for my users.