Lesson #11 Relative Risk and the Odds Ratio
The risk of disease, given exposure, is: The risk of disease, given no exposure, is: The relative risk is P(D | E) P(D | E’)
LC no LC Smoke No Smoke P(LC | Smoke) =.12 P(LC | No Smoke) =.02 RR = = 6
D D’ E E’ Cohort Study n
If p = P(event), then odds = The odds of disease, given exposure: The odds of disease, given no exposure:
Disease Odds Ratio OR = Can calculate as shown only from a cohort study
Case-Control Study n D D’ E E’
From a case-control study, we can calculate things like: P(E | D),P(E’ | D),P(E | D’ ), & P(E’ | D’ ) The odds of exposure, given disease:
Exposure Odds Ratio OR Can calculate as shown from a case-control study
OR D D’ E E’ ab cd a+cb+d OR =
The disease odds ratio is also OR OR is used to estimate RR! OR can be calculated in any study design!
CHD no CHD High Fat not High Fat OR =
CHD no CHD High Fat not High Fat OR = (150)
CHD no CHD High Fat not High Fat OR = (150)(180)
CHD no CHD High Fat not High Fat OR = (150)(180) (120)
CHD no CHD High Fat not High Fat OR = (150) (50) (180) (120)
CHD no CHD High Fat not High Fat OR = (150) (50) (180) (120) = 4.5
CHD no CHD HF not HF CHD no CHD HF not HF OR = (150) (50) (180) (120) = 4.5OR = (150) (50) (360) (240) = 4.5 “RR” == /270 50/230 “RR” == /390 50/410
Yes No Heavy Light None Liver Cancer Alcohol Consumption
Yes No Heavy Light None Liver Cancer Alcohol Consumption
Yes No Heavy Light None Liver Cancer Alcohol Consumption