METEOALARM Weather and natural hazards warnings Michael Staudinger.


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Presentation transcript:

METEOALARM Weather and natural hazards warnings Michael Staudinger

One dimensional situation

Tourism - numbers

METEOALARM operational maps for today + tomorrow

3rd level information

METEOALARM warning schedule Redagno 2006 Damage / ImpactWhat to do?Used how often? (Area approx km 2 ) Meteo Treshholds Rain area + damage related Green- - -usual phenomenaExamples yellowexposed objects (avoidable) caution with exposed activities > 30 per year> 54 mm/12h orangegeneral damages (not avoidable) keep informed in detail, follow advice of authorities 1 to 30 per year> 80 mm/12h redextreme damage and /or casualties extreme damage (mostly) on large areas, threatning life and properties (not avoidable, even in otherwise safe places) follow order of authorities under all circumstances be prepared for extraordinary measures less then 1 year + large (5000km2) scale phenomena > 140 mm/12h

METEOALARM warning schedule Redagno 2006 Damage / ImpactWhat to do? One word Green- - -usual phenomena Weather report yellowexposed objects (avoidable) caution with exposed activities Be aware! orangegeneral damages (not avoidable) keep informed in detail, follow advice of authorities Be prepared! redextreme damage and /or casualties extreme damage (mostly) on large areas, threatning life and properties (not avoidable, even in otherwise safe places) follow order of authorities under all circumstances be prepared for extraordinary measures Take action!

Access to the METEOALARM Website Hits up to 12 Mio/day (~1 billion since start)

Statistics August 2007 – April 2008

Feedback from users:  System well understandable both by professionals and public  Most common requests:  1 Extension of warned parameters Flood forecasts Coastal sea area forecasts  2 Direct input in other info systems RSS feeds, CAP etc.  3 More participating countries (Eastern Europe)  4 „Europe of regions“  5 Longer time periods for the warnings

1.1 Flood forecasts Austria

Combination of different input sources: Numerical Models Know How of the Forecasters INCA – Nowcasting tool Hydro model interface Optimized Forecasts Hydro model

GFE grafic forecast editor Modifications: Area Time – step Enhancement – diminuation smoothing Control points (CP)

Homogenisation of forecasting work  forecasters discussion forum

criteria at one point/station no red / lower level decision tree for „red“ area criteria (parameter) met? extreme impact possible 1 Pos feedback from civ pro? „red“ no red / lower level optional steps 1 might be caused by a combination of parameters

1.1 Decision team for „red“ (flood)  Senior forecaster (teamleader)  Hydrologist  Board of institution  Expert on climate conditions  Media expert  Civil protection

1.1 Flood forecasts Austria Flood warning for Carinthia: local floodings expected from the afternoon onwards Rain and/or floods Flood information: << link Meteo << link Hydro

1.2 Coastal sea area warnings

 Experiences:  High number of accidents of weekend sailors & limited experience  Warning products already existing, but not known across boarders  Simple colour code brings attention for further info

1.2 Coastal sea area warnings - coastal zones

1.2 Coastal sea area warnings: Guidance for thresholds (≥ 10 m/s)(≥ 14 m/s) Month

1.2 Coastal sea area warnings: Warning scheme

2. Input in other Info systems:  RSS feeds  CAP

2. Input in other Info systems:  RSS feeds  CAP

2. More participating countries: Joined after project start  Operational:In technical preparation:  SlovakiaMalta  Czech RepublicCroatia  SloveniaSerbia  PolandEstonia  RomaniaLatvia

2. More participating countries: Necessities for new partners:  EUMETNET Council agreement  Agreement with national Civil Protection  Quality control  Quality assurance  Cooperation with the MeteoAlarm forecasters / expert group  Technical abilities (GIS / XML etc.)

4. Europe of regions

day forecast (password protected Intranet only) Day 0Day +1 Day +2Day +3Day +4 (Internet) (Intranet)

day forecast (password protected Intranet only) Alert / Early Warning / watch / weather info for day 3 to 5: Available at: Partly on public NMHS websites Intranet websites for Civil Protection General media (warnings sell well)

Region: Salzburg Day 0Day +1Day +2Day +3Day +4 Rain Snow / Road conditions Wind Extreme Temperatures day forecast (password protected Intranet only)

Weather Service Info for Civil Protection Civil protection public

From Weather Services to Civil Protection Civil protection public Infos for civil protection: Scenarios Probabilites Detailed time line

From Weather Services to Civil Protection Civil protection public Infos for civil protection: Scenarios Probabilites Detailed time line etc. Infos for the public: Concise Clear advice „Tangible“

From data to warnings – how do institutions co-operate? forecasters Hydrometeo e.g. SMHI Civil protection SE (Protected website) SE Media + public Data exchange + training Meteo Models In situ data EFAS, EFFIS Windstorm, LM´s... National level Sat Obs, Sat Rep

forecasters Hydrometeo e.g. SMHI Civil protection SE nationally defined datasets (Protected website) SE Media + public Meteo e.g. FMI SF Media + public Hydro e.g. Finland Data exchange + training Da ta + training Civil protection SF nationally defined datasets (Protected website) Data + training Coordination data exchange Sat Obs Meteo Models In situ data GMES Info EFAS, EFFIS Windstorm... Sat Obs Meteo Models In situ data GMES Info EFAS, EFFIS Windstorm... Coordination data exchange National levels Information flow of meteo warnings Coordination data exchange Coordination data exchange

forecasters Hydrometeo e.g. SMHI Civil protection SE nationally defined datasets (Protected website) SE Media + public Meteo e.g. FMI SF Media + public Hydro e.g. Finland Forecasters Hydro / Met (Europe 30 + other areas) EUMETNET meteoalarm Alert levels Day EU Media Public Data exchange + training Definition + operational communication Da ta + training Civil protection SF nationally defined datasets (Protected website) Data + training Coordination data exchange Sat Obs Meteo Models In situ data GMES Info EFAS, EFFIS Windstorm... EUMETNET meteoalarm / MIC Intranet Alerts Day 1 to 6 Sat Obs Meteo Models In situ data GMES Info EFAS, EFFIS Windstorm... Sat Obs Meteo Models In situ data GMES Info EFAS, EFFIS Windstorm... Coordination data exchange European level National levels proposed information flow of meteo warnings Coordination data exchange Coordination data exchange ECMWF, Consortia, EUMETNET- WMO Programs, GMES, commercial access...

Many thanks for your attention!