The New CIE Standard Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules: CIE S 025/E:2015 Tony Bergen Technical Director, Photometric Solutions International Secretary, CIE Division 2 Australian National Representative, CIE Division 2
Contents Introduction to the CIE Need for an International Standard Development of the Standard Features of the Standard Conclusion
Introduction The CIE is the International Commission on Illumination Abbreviated to CIE from its French form: Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage The global peak body on matters relating to the science and art of lighting Responsible for creating and maintaining standards and technical reports within the fields such as: vision and colour; photometry and radiometry; lighting and signalling; and photobiology
Introduction Has seven scientific divisions: Division 1: Vision and Colour; Division 2: Measurement of Light and Radiation; Division 3: Interior Environment and Lighting Design; Division 4: Lighting and Signalling for Transport; Division 5: Exterior Lighting and Other Applications; Division 6: Photobiology and Photochemistry; Division 8: Image Technology Each of these divisions has Technical Committees which carry out the scientific work CIE also has national committees with voting rights at a general assembly and which support the CIE’s interests within their jurisdiction
Introduction CIE experts are on the BIPM’s Consultative Committee on Photometry and Radiometry and provide advice in relation to the SI unit for light: the Candela. CIE has agreements with ISO and IEC: these agreements recognise the CIE as an official standardising body for light and lighting matters.
Introduction Foundation work for CIE’s formation started in 1901, but….. CIE’s Statutes have operative date of September 1913, which means that….. CIE turned 100 two years ago! x100!
Contents Introduction to the CIE Need for an International Standard Development of the Standard Features of the Standard Conclusion
Need for a Standard Currently (previously) there are many different test methods used in different areas around the world: IESNA LM-79-08 EN test methods IEC 62722, IEC 62612, IEC 62717 JIS C 7801 Am.1: 2012, JIS C 8152-2 Chinese CQC and GB standards etc.
From a presentation by Yoshi Ohno for the IEA 4E SSL Annex Need for a Standard From a presentation by Yoshi Ohno for the IEA 4E SSL Annex
Need for a Standard AIM A unified global standard for harmonisation of testing of LEDs and SSL products
From a presentation by Yoshi Ohno for the IEA 4E SSL Annex Need for a Standard From a presentation by Yoshi Ohno for the IEA 4E SSL Annex
Contents Introduction to the CIE Need for an International Standard Development of the Standard Features of the Standard Conclusion
Development of the Standard A CIE Division 2 Technical Committee worked on the standard: TC2-71: CIE Standard on Test Methods for LED Lamps, luminaires and modules The TC has 37 members from 16 countries in 5 continents Working closely with CEN-TC169-WG7 Draft published in September 2014 Final version published in March 2015
Development of the Standard Has had significant difficulties establishing a consensus amongst the stakeholders: Public testing labs; LED/Lighting manufacturers; Test equipment manufacturers; Regulatory bodies; NMIs; etc…
Development of the Standard Also needed a consensus with the CEN-TC169-WG7 working group, whom we were partnering in the development (It is technically identical to the CEN standard EN13032-4, which will be released soon)
Development of the Standard There have been some robust discussions and disagreements Difficulties were largely overcome so that we could move forward to begin the publication phase
Contents Introduction to the CIE Need for an International Standard Development of the Standard Features of the Standard Conclusion
Features of the Standard The draft Standard defines standard test conditions and requirements for equipment It covers electric, photometric and spectral/colorimetric properties It covers LED lamps, LED luminaires and LED modules Testing should ideally be performed according to the standard test conditions
Features of the Standard Some of the standard test conditions have tolerances to take into account practical laboratory situations Example 1: The ambient test temperature should be 25°C In practice it can be in the range 25 ± 1.2 °C (including uncertainty in measurement of temperature) Example 2: The air should be still In practice it is allowed to be up to 0.25 m/s (including uncertainty in measurement of air speed)
Features of the Standard If the standard test conditions are not met, then a correction must be made For example: A goniophotometric test is made with ambient temperature of 23 ± 0.5 °C This is outside the range 25 ± 1.2 °C An additional test must be made, eg: with the device in a temperature controlled chamber, to correct the measured value to what it would be if the test were performed at 25°C
Features of the Standard The equipment and electrical supply also have tolerances Examples: The test voltage shall be measured at the supply terminals of the DUT, not at the output terminals of the power supply Tolerance interval: ± 0.4 % for RMS AC voltage; 0.2 % for DC voltage. The total harmonic content of the voltage waveform shall not exceed 1.5 % of the fundamental (except if PF > 0.9, then it shall be less than 3 %).
Features of the Standard The standard covers measurement using: Integrating spheres; Goniophotometers; Near-field gonio allowed if validated against a far field gonio The DUT can be tested in an orientation other than its designed burning position, provided corrections are made Luminance meters, including ILMDs; Spectroradiometers.
Features of the Standard Measurements must be traceable Equipment must be properly calibrated Traceability chain must be maintained back to a national laboratory (National Measurement Institute) All test reports must contain a statement of uncertainty of measurement The standard gives a guide for how to make an uncertainty budget The Standard really just focuses on quality and compatibility of measurement, and not product performance as such.
What it covers The draft Standard covers: Environmental conditions (air temperature, air movement, stray light); Electrical supply and quality; Measurement instruments (photometric & electrical); Lamp mounting / operating position; Lamp Operating Conditions; Lamp stabilisation; Initial total luminous flux; Centre beam and beam angles; Partial luminous flux (useful lumens); Test distance for far-field goniophotometry; Colour and chromaticity measurements.
What it doesn’t cover The draft Standard does not cover or partially covers: Dimmable, internal feedback, adjustable colour, adjustable white, multicolour; Maintained luminous flux; Omni-directional assessment; Maintained colour measurements; Harmonics & EMC; Start time / activation time; Switch withstand; Lamp Life; Temperature cycling shock; Endurance; Photobiological hazards; Flicker; Dimmer compatibility. Note: Many of these are already covered satisfactorily in other Standards.
Contents Introduction to the CIE Need for an International Standard Development of the Standard Features of the Standard Conclusion
Conclusions The CIE is the world’s premier scientific organisation responsible for matters relating to light and lighting Celebrated its official centenary in 2013 CIE has developed an International Standard Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules This will enable accurate and repeatable measurements for harmonisation and intercomparison around the globe
Thank you for your kind attention Tony Bergen Technical Director Photometric Solutions International Factory Two, 21-29 Railway Avenue Huntingdale, Vic, 3166, Australia Tel: +61 3 9568 1879 Fax: +61 3 9568 4667 Email: Web: