Econ124, PP190-5, PP290-5 Economics (and Policy) of Innovation Prof Bronwyn Hall: website has lots ofR&D info: Click Econ 124 for the syllabus Prof Suzanne Scotchmer: Office hours M Click Economics of Innovation for the syllabus The main syllabus has links to mirrors with lectures.
Requirements and Readings Attendance and participation: 10% Two quizzes, each 20% Final exam, 50% In addition, graduate Students will write a paper. Main Text: Innovation and Incentives forthcoming MIT Press. Available as reader Central Copy, Hearst at Euclid other readings to be handed out
Why are some countries rich and some poor? Does technology drive GDP growth? Why isn’t technology shared? Are R&D institutions the same as in the past? How have institutions changed? Why does the federal government poor R&D money into universities? Why doesn’t the private sector do it? Why does the private sector poor R&D money into universities? Why doesn’t the public sector do it? Should drugs be funded out of general tax revenue? Why does the U.S. give patents to foreign inventors? Should computer software be patented? business methods? bioengineering? drugs? Should Microsoft be allowed to keep its interfaces proprietary?
The Institutions of Innovation Government –In house –Sponsorship –National labs –Facilities for for Big Science Industry –Self-funded –Government-funded Universities –Self-funded –Government funded –Industry Funded –Foundation funded