Validity 4 For research to be considered valid, it must be based on fact or evidence; that is, it must be "capable of being justified."
Types of Validity Internal validity is the extent to which results can be interpreted accurately. External validity is the extent to which results can be generalized to populations, situations, and conditions.
Internal Validity Requires: 4 random assignment of subjects to the test conditions. 4 the use of the same measurement instrument and procedures for all subjects.
Eample #1: Internal Validity School 1 Teacher A Blue Program Physical Performance Test B Administered by Teacher A Class 1 8th Grade Boys Random Assignment School 2 Teacher A Red Program Physical Performance Test B Administered by Teacher A Class 1 8th Grade Boys Random Assignment 16 Weeks of Program ImplementationTesting Period
External Validity Requires: Random selection of subjects (or random assignment to study conditions). The use of a single measurement instrument and procedure.
Example #2: External Validity Elementary School #1 15 Randomly Selected Teachers Elementary School #2 15 Randomly Selected Teachers Elementary School #3 15 Randomly Selected Teachers Elementary School #4 15 Randomly Selected Teachers Survey Conducted Results: All Teachers Schools 1-5
Reliability 4 Research is reliable to the extent that –(1) its components are consistent with one another (internal reliability) –(2) it can be replicated and yield similar outcomes (external reliability).
Internal Reliability 4 Good internal reliability is demonstrated by a consistent: data collection procedure, data analysis process, and interpretation of the data.
Example #3: Internal Reliability Interviewer A Telephone Survey #1 28 randomly selected high school principals Interviewer B Telephone Survey #1 28 randomly selected high school principals Interviewer C Telephone Survey #1 28 randomly selected high school principals Interviewer D Telephone Survey #1 28 randomly selected high school principals
External Reliability 4 Good external reliability exists when a study is described in enough detail to facilitate its replication. 4 A research report, if a study is to be considered externally reliable, includes: detailed description of the study's design detailed description of the population, sample & sampling strategy explanation of the data collection strategy(ies) & procedure(s) detailed explanation of analysis procedures. 4 Bottom Line: Can the study be replicated?