1 Dissertation Process 4 process overview 4 specifics –dates, policies, etc.
2 Process Overview 4 The dissertation process is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their ability to bridge theory and practice through inquiry and evaluation. 4 The dissertation is scholarly work conducted independently by the student under the direction of a faculty chairperson.
3 Dissertation Process 4 Utilizing the scientific method, a specific purpose is selected and appropriate methods are proposed and implemented. –Clearly defined problem and rationale –Conceptual support of the research through review of pertinent literature is required –Appropriate methodology to support the purpose of the research
4 Dissertation Faculty Committee 4 Committee structure –Chairperson is a full-time faculty member –Second member is a faculty member somehow connected with the University –Third member has an earned doctorate and has been asked to participate for a specific contribution 4 Committee Role –Chair provides overall direction –Committee members play a support role as appropriate
5 Dissertation Orals 4 Preliminary Oral Examination (Defense) minute presentation followed by Q & A First 2 Chapters (qualitative designs) First 3 Chapters (quantitative designs) Good enough shape to pass on to another student Present to committee before data collection Formal presentation and process the chairperson has control 35 to 45 minutes of questioning from the committee following your presentation Who else may attend? May pass, pass with modifications, or not pass
6 Dissertation Orals 4 Final Oral Examination (Defense) presentation format is similar to preliminary oral Will focus mainly on findings and conclusions 30 to 40 minute presentation, questioning session, committee deliberation decision made and communicated regarding required modifications to the manuscript Guests may attend!
7 Timeline Chapter 1 completed by candidate Chair reviews and comments (2 weeks) Candidate makes revisions Chair approves revisions (2 weeks) Chapter 2 completed by candidate Chair reviews and comments (2 weeks) Candidate makes revisions Chair approves revisions (2 weeks) Chapter 3 completed by candidate Chair reviews and comments (2 weeks) Candidate makes revisions Chair approves revisions (2 weeks)
8 Timeline (Continued) Candidate sends copies to committee members for review Chair & committee review the manuscript (min. of 2 weeks) Candidate will make changes recommended Candidate files for preliminary defense Academic community reviews manuscript (min. of 2 weeks) Preliminary Oral defense held
9 Timeline (Continued) Candidate submits changes recommended by committee to Chair for review Chair approves changes (2 weeks) Chapter 4 complete by candidate Chair reviews and comments (2 weeks) Candidate makes revisions Chair approves revisions (2 weeks) Chapter 5 complete by candidate Chair reviews and comments (2 weeks) Candidate makes revisions Chair approves revisions (2 weeks)
10 Candidate sends copies to committee members for review Chair & committee review the manuscript (min. of 2 weeks) Candidate will make changes recommended Candidate files for final defense Academic community reviews manuscript (min. of 2 weeks) Final Oral defense held Timeline (Continued)
11 Timeline (Continued) After the Final Defense 4 Make required changes to your manuscript 4 Consult with your chairperson 4 Obtain clearance (signatures) from your committee members 4 Submit Final Manuscript to Dean’s office for final clearance –this requires a 3 to 4 week period to have all details cleared 4 File Dissertation document with Dean’s office for acceptance –submit copies desired for binding (minimum of 4) complete copyright application form
12 Common Questions 4 What do I do during the 2-week filing period? –Plan your presentation (30-40min) considering the purpose of the oral –Consult with your Chairperson about the specifics –Connect with your committee members –Connect with Christie size of room needed needed equipment
13 FAQ 4 When can I use the title of doctor? –Once you have had your Dissertation accepted by the Dean’s office 4 When have I completed the degree requirements? –Once you have had your Dissertation accepted by the Dean’s office
14 FAQ 4 What title can I use now? –You are a Doctoral Student until you complete your Preliminary Oral Examination –After the prelim you can use the title of Doctoral Candidate
15 FAQ 4 When am I able to participate in the graduation ceremony? (Also referred to as the “hooding process”) –After you have had your Final Defense. Final Defense date must be a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled ceremony
16 FAQ 4 When is my degree posted to my transcript? –At the end of the trimester in which you file your dissertation document –When any financial obligations to the University have been satisfied
17 FAQ 4 How do I make progress? –Have a plan for when you will work on your dissertation schedule time draft target dates for completion of small tasks consider teaming up with other dissertation students take advantage of resources provided –session facilities –electronic communication and consultation
18 Comprehensive Exam Process A plan of action devised to deal with an organizational problem. Approximately a 50 page paper in which you would integrate your coursework into a coherent plan. You register in a 3 unit course, guided by a faculty member. You will have 10 weeks to turn in the paper. You will have a discussion/exam with a panel of two faculty members. You may Pass, Pass with Modifications, or not pass. You will be notified within one week of your discussion/exam Historically, 60% pass, 30% pass with mod’s, and 10% fail.
19 Keys to success Leave your ego in the courtyard! Don’t miss submission dates. Get an editor. ???