IPY STG Communications/Strategy IPY Space Task Group Mark Drinkwater
GIIPSY/STG Communications Strategy Presentations at Conferences and Symposia (e.g. Fall AGU; SCAR-IASC IPY Symposium, St. Petersburg, July 2008) Peer Review Publications –EOS; Space Research Today; Environmental Geology; –Imaging Notes; Coordinated Web Articles and independent IPY Web stories –EarthZine; ESA Web; DLR Web ESA IPY DVD release Exhibits??
STG Communications Goals: –To have coordinated, multi-agency IPY STG communications effort at Oslo IPY Open Science Conference in June –To highlight progress towards achieving STG/GIIPSY high level product goals – at Oslo IPY Open Science Conference –To publish Review paper in EOS or other such journal indicating success of STG.
The 2010 IPY-OSC science program will consist of oral sessions and an undetermined number of poster sessions classified under five main themes: Linkages between polar regions and global systems; Past, present and future changes in polar regions; Polar ecosystems and biodiversity; Human dimensions of change: health, society and resources; New frontiers and new directions in polar research. I serve on Science SubCommittee - Theme 5: New frontiers and new directions in polar research –Special Session: “IPY polar snapshots and satellite monitoring: new results and scientific achievements”
OSLO Visual Exhibit To consider having a Space Exhibit at the Oslo Conference Facility –3-4 Best, spectacular examples from each Space Agency, accompanied by credit/acknowledgement and short Caption –All in large poster-format (colour or B/W). –Links to Presentations in Theme 5 Special Session
Joint Agency STG/GIIPSY Exhibit Multi-Agency IPY Exhibit Opportunity for Users to learn how to access data via portals Live displays (e.g. Webcam) Examples of Products for viewing NRT Product displays –Operational products etc. Thematic Links to Special Session?
Wilkins Ice Shelf Multi-agency examples for Wilkins: –ASAR (Webcam on Wilkins) –TerraSAR-X –GPS –Formosat/SPOT –Landsat/MODIS SPIRIT DEMs from Ant. Peninsula Uni. Bonn Scientific syntheses
Jakobshavns Isbrae? USGS Landsat JAXA (J-ERS-1; PALSAR) ESA (ERS AMI; ASAR) Interferometry/speckle tracking results CNES SPIRIT DEMs & Optical ice motion VHF/UHF/P-band ice sheet sounder data
Key Product Examples Examples of test products for –Pole-to-coast velocity maps –Sea ice drift products –Etc.. What shall be the mature examples How to engage users