The Procurement, Materiel Management and Real Property Community Management Office The Professional Development and Certification Program for the Government of Canada’s Procurement, Materiel Management and Real Property Community The Materiel Management Institute of Canada Presented by: Colleen Post (613) 941-3865 The Canadian Forum on Public Procurement October 2, 2007 Calgary
Outline Professional Development and Certification Program (PDCP) New Initiatives Opportunities for Collaboration Contacts
The Community and Guiding Principles The PMMRP Community: Estimated 10,000 public servants and uniformed personnel involved in life-cycle asset management functions: Procurement (P), Materiel Management (MM), Real Property (RP) 16 occupational groups Guiding Principles of the Professional Development and Certification Program Developed in collaboration with clients and stakeholders Government based and bilingual Respects the diversity of the Community and of Departments Builds on existing government and private sector learning programs and course Government Based: It is very important that the Program provide the learning tools for how we do things in Government Phased-in implementation: starting with highest learning priorities Respects the diversity of the Community and of departments: It is important that we make the Program flexible enough to allow for the diversity of our Community & the departments they work in: many are involved solely in one area of expertise (e.g., contracting, purchasing, fleet management, inventory, logistics, etc.) or in a highly unique or specialized subject matter area (e.g., common service provider); Others are generalists(e.g., regions, agencies);and Some may have management responsibilities and be classified at various groups and levels (e.g., in departmental HQs or regions, small agencies) Recognition of acquired knowledge, skills and experience: So that employees don’t have to start at the beginning Recognizes employees’ acquired knowledge, skills and experience Supplemented by existing private and public sector certification programs Phased-in implementation
Program Evolution Accomplishments In Progress Certification Learning Path Required Courses Course Deliverers: CSPS / PWGSC CGSB Standard for Competencies CGSB Application and Maintenance Handbook TBS Program Manual Professional Development Highest Priorities Study Learning Framework Core Competency Profile Communication Tools Demographic Study Program Curriculum Professional Development Update/finalize courses Certification Assessment Tools for Levels II and III National / International Liaison Conception Community Driven Community / Stakeholder Engagement Ongoing Course Development 1998 2006
Working in Collaboration TBS PDCP Management Office Advisory Committees Departments and Agencies Employees Managers Canada School of Public Service Public Works and Government Services Canada Bargaining Agents External Professional Certification Organizations and Professional Institutes (Materiel Management Institute, Real Property Institute of Canada)
Roles of Key Players TBS- PMMRP Community Management Office To provide strategic direction and central leadership for the collaborative development and implementation of strategies, programs and initiatives to support:: Capacity Building: Demographics, Competency Profile/Assessment Tool, Recruitment, Retention, Succession Planning Community Development: Courses / e-learning, Standard for Competencies, Certification Program, Research / outreach Professional recognition: Certification (CFSP, CFSMM) Contributes to the achievement of government commitments and priorities for ensuring a viable and sustainable trained and professional workforce. Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) – Personnel Certification Division Standards Development (CGSB-192.1-2005) Certification: Registrar, Certification Body, Knowledge Exam administrator (CFSP, CFSMM) Accredited by the Standards Council of Canada: offers a variety of programs and services to the public and private sectors, in Canada and around the globe. Canada School of Public Service / Public Works and Government Services Canada - Professional Development Division Program Curriculum development and delivery The Materiel Management Institute of Canada
Program Components and Tools A Learning Framework and Toolkit to guide employees through the Program Two components to the PDCP: Professional Development: Provides learning opportunities through courses, experience, etc. to develop and enhance competencies, knowledge and skills Core Competency Profile Web-based Assessment Tool Program Curriculum Certification: Assesses and credits knowledge, learning and experience achievements and provide professional recognition (CFSP, CFSMM) Standard for Competencies Courses Required for Certification / Learning Path Certification Program Manual Certification Application and Maintenance Handbook Assessment Tools Candidate Achievement Record (CAR), Record of Learning, Knowledge Exam
Professional Development Develop a Core Competency Profile: Competencies: the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to perform successfully in a particular business role within the area of procurement, materiel management and real property Core - common to all employees Functional - function specific Behavioural Indicator Statement: description of observable behaviours required to demonstrate a competency 3 Proficiency Levels: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced Use the Web-based assessment tool to: Assess level of proficiency (3 levels) against the profile Identify knowledge and skills gaps Review the Program Curriculum Learning Solutions to select courses including e-learning Develop an Individual Learning Plan
Core Competency Profile Competency Clusters and Definitions Competencies Functional To perform the specific work of the procurement, materiel management and real property business roles in the life-cycle management of assets Assessment and Planning of Requirements Acquisition Operations, Use, Maintenance and Management Disposal Business Perspective To effectively manage business results Business Analysis and Cognitive Capacity Organizational and Public Sector Knowledge Processes, Procedures and Technology Risk Management Strategic Thinking and Visioning Leadership and Management To manage self and others to ensure maximum organizational outputs and personal growth, foster development, change, efficiency and solutions Change Management Developing Self and Others Problem Solving and Decision Making Work Management Personal and Interpersonal To manage oneself and one’s interaction with others to maintain co-operative work relationships Communication; Creative and Innovative Thinking; Stress Management; Insight and Judgement; Integrity, Ethics and Values; Negotiating and Persuading; Self-Confidence; Service Orientation; Teamwork
Certification Requirements Training: The candidate must take mandatory courses and may request an equivalency (full or partial) for the other courses required for Certification Level I and for Level II Knowledge: The candidate is assessed on the Behavioural Indicator Statements and the Knowledge Requirements outlined in the Standard for Competencies, through an exam: Level I: Multiple Choice Exam Level II: Case Studies Level III: To be determined Experience: The candidate must meet the Experience Requirements and the Years of Experience outlined in the Standard for Competencies and complete Candidate Achievement Records for 10 of the Competencies Level I: 3 years experience, 2 of which must be in the federal government Level II: 5 years, 4 of which are at the federal level and 2 are as a supervisor, team leader or in program management related functions Level III: 10 years, 5 of which are as a manager, 3 of the 5 at the federal level Certification Designation: Certified Federal Specialist in Procurement (CFSP) Certified Federal Specialist in Materiel Management (CFSMM) Certification Maintenance and Re-Certification (every 5 years): Certification persons must participate in prescribed activities to ensure continuous professional development
Courses for Certification - Procurement Level 1
Courses for Certification – Materiel Management Level 1
The Materiel Management Institute of Canada What is the MMI? A national non-profit association dedicated to developing and promoting the professionalism of the procurement and materiel management functions within the federal government of Canada. Key Objectives: To provide professional development opportunities to enhance performance of procurement and materiel management specialists To provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences among specialists To serve as a consultative body on matters that impact the federal government’s assets and acquired services To promote and support the TBS Professional Development and Certification Program To collect and distribute information on the organization and administration of procurement and materiel management within public and private sectors To collaborate with other Institutes and Associations in the study of topics of mutual interest Governance Structure: Governed by a Board of Directors, including Regional Directors across Canada President: Mr. Jacques Labonté, Director, Materiel Management, Public Works and Government Services Canada
The Materiel Management Institute of Canada Activities: Annual Materiel Management National Workshop (MMNW): May – Ottawa (since 1990) Provides pre and post workshops on courses recognized by the TBS Professional Development and Certification Program Annual Regional Materiel Management Workshops: Fall – East and West (various cities) Morning Briefing Sessions: To keep specialists up-to-date on topics of current interest Awards: To recognize exemplary contributions by individuals and teams To demonstrate the value, importance and professionalism of the procurement and materiel management functions Four categories, including the Materiel Management Institute Student Award Information Sharing: Staying in Touch Magazine and monthly e-broadcasts Website: job postings, events, related links, presentations from workshops
TBS- PMMRP Community Management Office New Initiatives TBS- PMMRP Community Management Office Community Management Office for the federal government PMMRP Community (formerly Professional Development and Certification Program Management Office) Recruitment / job fairs Outreach to post-secondary institutions and professional designation / development organizations The Materiel Management Institute of Canada Assume responsibility for the organization of joint conferences, workshops, trade fairs, career fairs Expansion of Regional Directors and support groups: All provinces, territories Marketing MMI: Promotional Material / participation at events Nationally and internationally Portfolio Outreach: Identify and partner with like-minded organizations Foster international relations
Opportunities for Collaboration TBS - PMMRP Community Management Office Recognition of courses provided by external professional designation organizations, universities and training organizations, e.g.: PMAC Algonquin College Sprott School of Business NIGP UPPCC Development of curriculum / maintenance requirements for Certification: PMAC Strategic Round Table Outreach Secondary / Post Secondary institutions Canadian Supply Chain Sector Council UPPCC (Canadian Representative) Other governments / levels of government The Materiel Management Institute of Canada Organization of Conferences / Learning Events with other professional designation / development organizations Promotion of educational, professional development and certification programs available in Canada: Website Conferences / learning events
Contacts Treasury Board of Canada, Secretariat - Professional Development and Certification Program for the Procurement, Materiel Management and Real Property Community: The Materiel Management Institute of Canada: Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB): Canada School of Public Service: Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC):