E-Waste in Developing Countries © Colin Fitzpatrick
E-Waste Electronic waste is categorised as hazardous due to the nature of the materials
E-Waste Shipment of Hazardous Waste from OECD countries to non-OECD countries is banned by the Basel Convention Remains un-ratified by Afghanistan, Haiti & USA
E-Waste Recycling takes place in the informal sector, known as “backyard recycling”
E-Waste Countries like China and India have enormous domestic consumption of electronic goods
E-Waste E-waste is dealt with very varied efficiency
E-Waste Reuse, refurbishment and manual disassembly take place with high efficiency
E-Waste Recovery of precious metals takes place with very low efficiency
E-Waste Health & Safety is not a consideration
E-Waste Every product ends up as E-waste eventually