Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls An overview of the status of each of the controls subsystems will be presented…
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls – LLRF Our goal for fast digitization: 14 bits (to get 12 effective bits) or 74 dB SINAD 119 MSPS with a minimum of 40 MSPS to meet bandwidth requirement of 20 MHz There are chips that come close to this 40 MHz). Example is TI ADS5500 but it’s not yet available on an off-the-shelf VME board customized board (or wait until on-the-shelf)
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls – Diagnostics Work is underway to set up a test area in FFTB and in buildings 407 and 406 What we have already: Network switch in place in bldg 407 EVG/EVR on loan from SLS Spare Linac stripline BPMs will be installed in FFTB Spare WS will be installed in FFTB Libera BPM control module purchase req in
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls – Diagnostics What we need to purchase: Libera BPM module Controls cables will be installed between FFTB and bldg 406 (earliest Jan.05) VME crate with slot 0 controller What we need to build: Ceramic BPM prototypes will be developed Need PNET board to (intf: SLC MPG to EVG) What we need to design and build: Bunch Length Monitoring (CSR/OTR/CTR)
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector Controls – Drive laser Controls has had input into content of RFI, RFP and follow-up questions to 5 vendors The specifications are: VME arch is preferred EPICS CA is comm protocol 500 msec response to commands 1 Hz update of all monitored values RF pulse with 360 Hz fiducial is available
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector Controls – Drive laser Vendors’ responses: are light in detail; none say they will use VME where details are given, they indicate LabView on Windows XP speaking Channel Access protocol
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector Controls – Drive laser What this means: Timestamps may not be synchronized at all pulse to pulse It is unknown how they will synchronize when LCLS is running at a subharmonic of the clock Hz, 10 Hz, 1 Hz Windows is another OS to maintain (upgrades, patches to perform, EPICS builds/debugging when things cease to work) Labview is another licensed s/w package to maintain
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls – Timing EVG 100 and EVR 100 on loan from SLS until end of Feb., 2005 Manufacturer estimates that EVG 200 and EVR 200 ready for market between Nov and May 2005 This system still needs PNET board (see Stephanie Allison’s talk)
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls – Vacuum We have postponed vacuum activities to next calendar year
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls – Power supplies Kristi Luchini joins LCLS mid-October, focusing on this task Evaluation of ESD design development (Dave McNair) Testing and integration of SLS power supply system Evaluation of Diamond Light Source implementation of SLS PS controllers with redundant power modules
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector Controls – PPS,MPS,BCS PPS PLC prototyping in progress Working towards a Citizen Review of a PLC-based PPS MPS requirements being collected - 15 msec turn off time Modal control pulse to pulse (integration with the EVG) Two mitigation devices: drive laser and kicker magnet
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Injector/Linac Controls – Conventional Facilities A/C Power – approved by mgmt to add in all 10 sectors 24 V Power – not yet added to all 10 sectors Cabling – new safety requirements next March will specify “low-smoke, non-halogenated cable” that means additional cost Cable Tray design in progress Data will be timestamped within 500 msec of beam pulse
Dayle Kotturi Facility Advisory Committee Meeting October 12, 2004 Linac Controls – Conclusions Timestamps and triggering may not be synchronized pulse to pulse in the injector drive laser (controls may need additional effort to be budgeted) Some uncertainty in date of availability of EVG/EVR timing boards Cabling costs will increase due to change in safety requirements next year There’s still lots to do and lots of risks we can minimize/eliminate by prototyping!