English 714 Ed Nagelhout 10 November 2010 Peer Review Writing #2 A Short Video Peer Review – Position Statement Next Week
A Short Video Changing Education Paradigms By Sir Ken Robinson
1.Ethos: Does the writer establish credibility or expertise? 2.Pathos: Does the writer make an emotional connection with the audience? 3.Logos: Does the writer offer a logical, well-supported argument? 4.Clarity: Is the writer’s argument easily identified? Does the writer define abstract terms/concepts that may be misunderstood or misinterpreted? 5.Immediacy: Does the writer instill a sense of urgency and/or importance? 6.Visual: Does the writer use appropriate visual markers? 7.Realistic: Are the goals realistic for the intended audience? 8.Language/Style: Is the writer succinct? Is the language professional? 9.Grammar/Punctuation: Is the document edited closely? Position Statements Evaluation Criteria
Whole Class Position Statements 1.Read/Comment each draft (single criterion) (3 min ea.) 2.Repeat (23 more times) Peer Review Process
Whole Class Discussion Position Statements 1.What do we know about the criteria? 2.What are strategies for making an effective argument? 3.What can we all do better or different? Peer Review Process
For Next Week: Read materials for Writing #3 Read materials for Week 14 Exam Begin revising Writing #2 (due November 19)