The Dinh Pa A Multidisciplinary Learning Tool Paul French, SUNY College at Oneonta Tim Ploss, SUNY College at Oneonta Julie Arrighi, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Overview The Disciplines and the Structure of the Project The Dinh Pa Physics Analysis Results
Multidisciplinary Music and Instrument DesignMusic and Instrument Design MathematicsMathematics EngineeringEngineering Physics/AcousticsPhysics/Acoustics
VietnameseVietnamese BambooBamboo PentatonicPentatonic Strapped together with twineStrapped together with twine PVC pipePVC pipe ChromaticChromatic Wood frameWood frame Longest pipe-306 cmLongest pipe-306 cm Height 170 cmHeight 170 cm Width-230 cmWidth-230 cm Weight-220lbsWeight-220lbs The Traditional vs. vs. The Oneonta Dinh Pa The Oneonta Dinh Pa
Music & Instrument Design Interest Aesthetic judgment Practical decisions
Mathematics FFT
Low Frequency vs. High Frequency
Mathematics FFT Differential Equations
Engineering Ergonomics, Durability, Cost, Portability, Aesthetic Factors, Safety … Background Research Grant Proposal Prototypes and Testing –Pipe factors –Mallet Stand
The construction…
Engineering Ergonomics, Durability, Cost, Portability, Aesthetic Factors, Safety … Background Research Grant Proposal Prototypes and Testing –Pipe factors –Mallet Stand Final Product
“The Dinh PaJama’s”
Physics Standing Wave λ=2L λf=v End CorrectionL’ = L+ 2 Levine and Schwinger (Phys. Rev. Feb. 1948), = rLevine and Schwinger (Phys. Rev. Feb. 1948), = r Our results = rOur results = r Speed of Sound
Summary Successful learning experience Good instrument and design process Results –End Correction:13% or 4% –Speed of Sound:0.5%
Future Work Check calibration of tuner Adjust for thermometer lag Collect data over a wider temperature range Redesign Mallet
Thank you! The SUNY College at Oneonta Foundation, Inc., and the Committee on Research Al Read, Steven Button Physics 204 honors students: Neville Campbell, John Collins, Sushrut Patil, Carolyn Bauer, Tom Davis, Erik Rockwell Work Study Students: Melissa Stanley, Elizabeth Tolley, Patrick Cole Pie in the Sky, Farmhouse Restaurant