Dynamics of Mechanical Systems MSU 2006 Jeff Rhoads and Terry Ballinger.


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Presentation transcript:

Dynamics of Mechanical Systems MSU 2006 Jeff Rhoads and Terry Ballinger

Outline What is Dynamics? What is Dynamics? Kinematics Kinematics Kinetics Kinetics Newton’s Second Law Newton’s Second Law Today’s Activity Today’s Activity

What is Dynamics?

Scientific Definition Scientific Definition A scientific discipline that deals with undergoing change A scientific discipline that deals with systems undergoing change

What is Dynamics? Scientific Definition Scientific Definition Engineering Definition Engineering Definition A scientific discipline that deals with undergoing change A scientific discipline that deals with systems undergoing change Deals with the relationship between and of mechanical systems Deals with the relationship between forces and motion of mechanical systems

What is Dynamics? Dynamics

What is Dynamics? Dynamics Kinematics

What is Dynamics? Dynamics Kinematics The study of The study of motion (mathematical construct)

What is Dynamics? Dynamics KineticsKinematics The study of The study of motion (mathematical construct)

What is Dynamics? Dynamics KineticsKinematics The study of The study of motion (mathematical construct) Relates and Relates forces and motion (based on physical law)

Kinematics The study of The study of motion

Kinematics Position Velocity Acceleration

Kinematics The study of The study of motion Spatial Location Origin Object

Kinematics Position Velocity Acceleration The study of The study of motion Rate of change of position (movement, can see it)

Kinematics Position Velocity Acceleration The study of The study of motion Rate of change of velocity (can feel it)

Kinetics Relates and Relates forces and motion

Kinetics Newton’s Second Law

Kinetics Relates and Relates forces and motion Newton’s Second Law

Kinetics Relates and Relates forces and motion Newton’s Second Law

Kinetics Relates and Relates forces and motion Newton’s Second Law

Today’s Activity Popsicle Stick Slingshot Objective Create a slingshot that will propel a ping pong ball as far as possible.

Design Considerations Convert as much of the rubber band (elastic potential) energy into kinetic energy of the ball. Have a strong and stable enough structure to support the force of the rubber band. What is the best possible way to launch the ball?