Created by: Tamara Henderson Final Presentation Created by: Tamara Henderson
Advertising & Marketing Major? Pre-Med? Psychology?…. Finally!! Advertising & Marketing
You are probably wondering… Why did she choose these two majors? Well a physician in emergency medicine which is the area I wanted to go into after I finished up Pre-Med here at KSU makes… lets just say that they get paid a whole lot of money! The lowest reported salary of a physician in emergency medicine is 111,894 the average is around 142,516 and the highest reported salary of a ER doctor is 197,025. To be a doctor however and get up to that particular pay grade takes lots of time.. These findings were from people who have been in that profession for 5 or more years. Starting pay for physicians is not that much money!
Top marketing executives make base salaries of the following…. While on the other hand.. Top marketing executives make base salaries of the following…. Top marketing executives in the 25 make 178,198 in the median they make 242,088 and in the 75th percentile they make 341,369
What’s the big difference? From this you find that whether a top marketing executive and physician if you get to the level of being head of the marketing dept. at a major corporation you definitely make enough to have a decent living. If you however, are not able to attain a career in the top positions you still make a stable living at about $50k to $80k a year! To make it to the top it is vital that I obtain a MBA. Which means going to graduate school! But for now all I have to do is the following…
Core Courses MARKETING ADVERTISING Consumer Behavior Marketing Research Marketing Policy and Strategy Service Marketing Internet Marketing Business Marketing and E-Commerce Retailing and Web-Based Merchandising Supply Chain Management ADVERTISING Principles of Advertising Strategic Planning Advertising Copywriting Creative Concepts in Advertising Advertising Media Planning Principles of Public Relations Advertising Campaigns Visual Design Concepts Among these core courses I do still have to complete my LERS from KSU and maintain a GPA at a 2.5 or above. Sounds pretty easy but in actuallity if you are not a focussed individual it does prove to be difficult. I could have very well majored in marketing and been done in four years but I feel that with the advertising components of everything it will prove to be very beneficial. I hope to finish in the next 2 years since 2009 is my year to graduate but I think I am going to be here for a extra semester.
But to go forward into my future career, I must know where it all came from...
Since the beginning of time… Advertisements have been prevalent Since the beginning of time… Advertisements have been prevalent. The marketing techniques used were primitive but also effective…. WORD OF MOUTH!!!
And before the technology of today…. There was the telegraph… In 1886, a telegraph operator was able to obtain a shipment of watches that was refused by the local jeweler. Using the telegraph, he sold all the watches to fellow operators and railroad employees. Within a few months, he made enough money to quit his job and start his own store. The young man's name was Richard Sears. His company later became Sears, Roebuck.
And a little closer to the technology of today… The invention of the printing press helped to bring about the new and inexpensive venture into print ads… The print ads gave a visual flare to the already interesting things that you heard about on the radio. Catalogues, newspapers, and flyers were the way to go, but then came rise to a new technology….
The Television… …and most importantly Computers and the Internet which brought about a new era in the world of marketing and advertising.
What is happening to print media? 2006 Media Usage Predictions (see April 2006) Media Usage (in minutes per day) TV 256 Radio 160 Internet 31 Newspapers 29 Recorded music Magazines 20 Books 17 Prerecorded DVD/VCR 14 Video Games Wireless Content 3 Movie Theater 2 Not many people read the newspapers now a days so it had to give way to a new kind of media technology. The radio the televeison and now the internet is slowly but sureley putting print media out of business. I work for a telemarketing firm that deals with magazine renewals I have heard countless times that they read it on the internet or they wont send in a check they rather take care of their business on the internet. The sky is the limit for internet revenue growth and development but as for other avenues advertising and marketing firms will no longer have to rely on them to get their object across to the world.
Computers have proven to be very effective in my future line of work. E-COMMERCE is now the source of $1.3 trillion in B2B sales.
The internet proves to be the most cost-effective tool in advertising as of late. 4.2 billion is the actual amount that the revenue is at as of 2006. and it is on a incline. Because it is so cheap to put out ads on the internet many companies have been marketing more web-based. The television is steadily on the decline because of the rise of TIVO that enables the viewers to skip through ads and watch TV commercial free. As for Print ads the number of people who actually read the newspaper has been on a steady decline ever since the rise of the internet and television.
Ethics.. What role do they play? Advertisements can come from anywhere and anybody. False advertisements can be found almost anywhere.. That’s why we have the… FTC- Federal Trade Commission FCC- Federal Communications Commission SEC- Security and Exchange Commission FDA- Federal Drug Administration
PROBLEMS! Viruses Security Intrusions Privacy Concerns Volume Attacks SPAM Volume attacks prove to be a growing problem because of the fact that the server is unable to provide service to everyone that does click on their sites. Another problem comes up with the big brother affect. There is a site called double click dot com that actually tracks its customers while they are on line to see what sites they go to so that they can narrow cast their advertisements to their particular audience.. Proving to be a big problem with the FCC becsuse of the invasion of privacy./ Privacy Concerns Volume Attacks
Despite problems with the internet business for marketing firms and advertising agencies is still booming! Most jobs require an individual to be confident in programs like EXCEL WORD ROI Calculator (Return On Investment Calculator)
Marketing & Advertising My Future All I can say in closing is that by choosing these two very similar majors I will be able to do many different things. The sky is the limit thanks to the internet and its rapid growth! Marketing & Advertising REFERENCES