Introduction (Pendahuluan) Information Security
2 Information is a strategic resource Information security requirements have changed in recent decades Traditionally provided by physical & administrative mechanisms Use of computer requires automated tools to protect files and other stored information Use of networks and communication links requires measures to protect data during transmission Information Security – Why?
3 Computer Security : generic name for the collection of tools designed to protect data and to thwart hackers Network Security : measures to protect data during their transmission Internet Security : measures to protect data during their transmission over a collection of interconnected networks Definition
4 3 aspects of information security: Security Attacks Security Services Security Mechanisms
5 Security Attacks Definition: Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an organization Often threat & attack used to mean same thing Threat : A potential for violation of security Attack : An assault on system security that derives from an intelligent threat
6 Classification of security attacks Passive Attacks: attempt to learn or make use of information from the system but does not affect system resources Active Attacks: attempt to alter system resource or affect their operation
7 Security Threats Threats can come from a range of sources Various surveys, with results of order: 55% human error 10% disgruntled employees 10% dishonest employees 10% outsider access also have "acts of god" (fire, flood etc) Note that in the end, it always comes back to PEOPLE. Technology can only assist so much, always need to be concerned about the role of people in the threat equation - who and why.
8 Passive Attacks Only involve monitoring (interception) of the information, leading to loss of confidentiality or Traffic analysis (monitoring exchange of information without knowing precise contents), hard to detect
9 Release of message contents: attacks confidentiality Eavesdropping Learn the content of transmitted messages
10 Traffic Analysis: attacks confidentiality, or anonymity Monitoring the pattern of transmitted messages Include: the source & destination, frequency, and length of messages Determine the location and identity of communicating hosts
11 Active Attacks Active attacks involve some modification of the data stream or the creation of a false stream, and hard to prevent.
12 Masquerade pretends to be a different entity
13 Replay passive capture of a data unit and its subsequent retransmission to produce an unauthorized effect
14 Modification of messages alters some portion of a legitimate message
15 Denial of service prevents or inhibits the normal use or management of communications facilities
16 Security Services Enhance security of data processing systems and information transfers of an organization Intended to counter security attacks using one or more security mechanisms Security services implement security policies Often replicate functions normally associated with physical documents have signatures, dates need protection from disclosure, tampering, or destruction; be notarized or witnessed be recorded or licensed
17 Security Services Authentication - protect info origin (sender) Access control - control access to info/resources Data Confidentiality - protect info content/access Data Integrity - protect info accuracy Non-repudiation - protect from deniability Availability - ensure a system (info) is available to authorized entities when needed. One Useful Classification of Security Services:
18 Security Mechanisms Features designed to detect, prevent, or recover from a security attack Personnel : Access Tokens, Biometrics Physical : Integrated Access Control Managerial : Security Education Data Networking : Encryption, Config. Control S/W & O/S : Testing, Evaluation, Trusted O/S.
19 Facts: security mechanism No single mechanism can provide all the security services wanted. But encryption or encryption-like information transformation (and hence the cryptography) is a key enabling technology