Many-to-Many Marketing ACADEMY OF MARKETING and AMA CONFERENCE Dublin Institute of Technology July, 2005 Professor Evert Gummesson Stockholm University School of Business SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden tel +46-8-7531434 or +46-8-162840; fax +46-8-6747440;; From One-to-One to Many-to-Many Marketing in the Network Society
from an adventurous and never-ending Glimpses from an adventurous and never-ending journey within a Nordic School tradition A travel account is found in two of my books: *Total Relationship Marketing and the 30Rs approach; *Many-to-Many Marketing
“Why have relationship marketing; CRM and one-to-one marketing not become as successful in practice as their advocates had hoped?” QUESTION
ANSWER “A major reason is the narrow focus on the dyad of one customer and one supplier, one-to-one, whereas all customers live in complex networks, many-to-many” ANSWER
PROBLEMS WITH MARKETING THEORY AND MARKETING EDUCATION: Marketing is a series of scattered claims, deriving from… fragmented research of detail microeconomic theory various social sciences experience observation hype success stories …and there is little effort to generate comprehensive, grand theory.
...REALITY! Mainstream academic research in marketing is scared of the fuzzy complex ambiguous chaotic unpredictable multifaceted, and overwhelming... ...REALITY!
Transaction marketing Database marketing Relationship marketing Four types of marketing: Transaction marketing Database marketing Relationship marketing Network marketing Source: Coviello, N. E., Brodie, R. J. and Munro, H. J. (1997), “Understanding Contemporary Marketing : Development of a Classification Scheme”, Journal of Marketing Management, Vol. 13, No. 6, pp. 501-522.
1960s - and still? Marketing management: the marketing mix of the 4Ps: product, price, promotion and place or…
…even the 15 Ps: Product Price Promotion Place People Politics Public relations Probe Partition Prioritize Position Profit Plan Performance Positive implementations …even the 15 Ps:
“Marketing is an organizational function and a set AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION’S (AMA) NEW DEFINITION OF MARKETING 2004 “Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” See AMA’s website:
“Marketing is an organizational function and a set I DISAGREE (UNDERLINDED): “Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.”
MY REVISED DEFINITION (CHANGES UNDERLINED) “Marketing is a culture, an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value with customers and for interacting in relationships in ways that benefit the organization, its customers and other stakeholders.”
Customers are not just consumers and users! Customers are also… …collaborators and partners: Customers are co-developers Customers are co-producers Customers are co-managers Customers are co-marketers …and adversaries: Customers are competitors Customers are prisoners
“Relationship marketing is networks of relationships.” MY DEFINITION OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING: “Relationship marketing is interaction in networks of relationships.”
NETWORKS Relationships Interaction CORE VARIABLE Subcore variables The core and subcore variables of a future grand marketing theory.
Modern network theory – from social sciences MY CONCLUSION Modern network theory – from social sciences but more so from natural sciences – offers the best methodology for understanding complex realities, including marketing.
A JUSTIFIED CONCERN: From: To: Evert Gummesson Copy: Subject: Comments on your papers December 3, 2004 Dear Evert: --- The question becomes whether marketing management theory is useful as a subspecie of network theory or should be totally rejected as leading to specious conclusions and dysfunctional marketing decisions. Best regards, Phil
MANY-TO-MANY MARKETING: Marketing in the network economy
“Many-to-many marketing describes, analyzes and utilizes Definition of Many-to-Many Marketing: “Many-to-many marketing describes, analyzes and utilizes the network properties of marketing.”
Would you hire a one-ball juggler who wears a safety helmet to your party? The juggler metaphor is adapted from Townsend, Pat and Gebhardt, Joan (2006), Quality Makes Money. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: American Society for Quality (ASQ).
Would you hire a Four P juggler who wears a safety helmet? PRICE PROMOTION PRODUCT PLACE PEOPLE Would you hire a Four P juggler who wears a safety helmet?
No, you should hire a juggler who can keep all necessary balls in the air (including the helmet).
Many-to-many marketing One-to-one marketing according to Peppers and Rogers Many-to-many marketing according to Gummesson The customer’s network The supplier’s network one-to-one many-to-many * identify your customers * differentiate your customers * interact with your customers * customize * learning relationships * identify your networks of relationships * differentiate the relationships and networks * interact in your networks * customize * learning networks
Business-to-Business Marketing B2B
Business-to-Consumer Marketing B2C/C2B Consumer-to-Business Marketing
Customer-to-Customer Marketing C2C
This was the humble beginnings of the... Message-ID: From: (Linus Benedict Torvalds) To: Newsgroups: comp.os.inix Subject: What would you like to see most in minix? Summary: Small poll for my new operating system Hello everybody out there using minix-I’m doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won’t be big and professional like gnu) for 386 (486) AT clones. This has been brewing since april, and is starting to get ready. I’d like any feedback on things people like/dislike in minix, as my OS resembles it somewhat Any suggestions are welcome, but I won’t promise I’ll implement them Linus This was the humble beginnings of the...
...LINUX operative system
of relationships at Shouldice Hospital ( B2C/C2B plus C2C Surgeon Other patients Anaesthesi- ologist General practitioner Complemen- tary medicine Other staff MEDICAL CONSUMER Informal channels Former patients Pharmacy Family and friends Brand Colleagues B2C/C2B and C2C network showing the hernia consumer’s position in a network of relationships at Shouldice Hospital (
B2B Health care providers Education & research Film & TV producers Other medical staff Anasthes- iologists NANO NETWORK Hospital admini- stration and working staff Surgeons Owner families Health care providers The medical community Patients Education & research Suppliers Politicians/ governments MARKET NETWORK Media Clergy Film & TV producers MEGA NETWORK
B2B2C2C2B2B... A ”VALUE PACKAGE” But they are all connected: and they include a total offering of goods, services or whatever is of value: A ”VALUE PACKAGE”
B2B B B A value package B2C C2B C C C2C
“Tell me who you associate with and I will tell you who you are” Euripides (400 BC) Dramatist “No man is and island, entire of itself.” John Donne (1572-1631) English poet “No business is an island.” Håkan Håkansson & Ivan Snehota Researchers of B2B networks “...nothing happens in islolation.” Albert-László Barabási Professor of Physics “Networks are the fundamental stuff of which neworganizations are and will be made.” Manuel Castells Professor of sociology “Everything touches everything.” Jorge Luis Borges Argentinean author “Society is a network of relationships - and so is business.” Evert Gummesson Paradigm shifter
Fritjof Capra on network theory: ”One of the key insights in the systems approach has been the realization that the network is a pattern that is common to all life. Wherever we see life, we see networks.” ”Living social systems...are self-generating networks of communications. This means that a human organization will be a living system only if organized as a network or contains smaller networks within its boundaries.” Capra, F.(2002), The Hidden Connections, HarperCollins, London; quotations from pp. 8 and 93.
* Preferential attachment * Scale-free networks * Power laws NETWORK CONCEPTS AND ISSUES FROM PHYSICS AND MATHEMATICS: * Random networks * Planned networks * Clusters * Connectors * Hubs * Preferential attachment * Scale-free networks * Power laws * Phase transition * Robustness, error tolerance * Thresholds * Self-organizing * Rich gets richer, winner takes all * Six degrees of separation * What is the Internet, really?
Infrastructural network
Alliances change the market Star Alliance Air Canada KLM cityhopper Air New Zealand Alliances change the market KLM uk KLM ANA KLM exel Ansett Australia Aer Lingus Austrian Airlines airAlps bmi british midland Star Alliance Alaska Airlines Lauda-Air China Southern Continental Airlines Well connected with SAS Lufthansa Air Baltic Air Botnia Cimber Skyways Widersoe Cyprus Airways Mexicana CSA Czech Airlines SAS Scandianvian Airlines JAS Japan Air System Blue 1 Snowflake Lågbudget- bolag Singapore Airlines JET Airways Thai Estonian Air Gronlansfly Helikopterservice Euro Air Iclandair Maersk Air Spanair Tyrolean KLM/Northwest Airlines alliance United Varig Northwest Airlines SAS other airline partners Kenya Airlines Aer Lingus Lithuanian Airlines One World American Airlines Maersk Air Cathay Pacific Malaysia Airlines Crossair Golden Air Lot Other Finnair Plus partners British Airways Malev Deutsche BA Martinair Finnair SNCF Iberia Other Finnair partners Surinam Airlines Qantas Air France Lithuanian Airlines Luxair Malev Ukraine International Air China Swisswings Airlines Lan Chile Thalys Transavia airlines Ukraine International
Network in human organizations: the Internet in 1998 Source: Buchanan, Mark (2003), Small World. London: Phoenix, p. 81.
Networks of life: network of interactions between proteins in baker’s yeast Source: Buchanan, Mark (2003), Small World. London: Phoenix, p. 144.
High Touch High Tech
High Tech High Touch Restore the balance! Barnes & Noble Partille Bokhandel Same business, different networks: Barnes & Noble Partille Bokhandel
NEO CEO Network Executive Officer Chief Executive Officer or LEADERSHIP IN NETWORKS: CEO Chief Executive Officer or NEO Network Executive Officer
to lead (male) or to follow (female) or both?
“Return on Relationships (ROR) “Return on Networks (RON) is the long term effect on profitability caused by the establishment and maintenance of an organization’s customer relationships.” “Return on Networks (RON) is the long term effect on profitability caused by the establishment and maintenance of an organization’s networks of relationships.”
profitable and productive... Long relationships can be profitable and productive... ...but they must be properly managed and evaluated!
New products and services Discontinuities Certain things cannot be measured or predicted, such as: Leadership Vision New products and services Discontinuities Business means risktaking!
SUMMARY Realize that we live in many-to-many networks! Apply network theory to all marketing! Address complexity, context and change! Balance high tech/high touch! From CEO to NEO – lead and follow! Measure ROR and RON - when they can be measured!
But efficient implementation is the key! “The problem with good ideas is that they quickly degenerate into hard work.” Peter Drucker, 95 The world’s No. 1 management author and guru
“Tack för er uppmärksamhet!” THE END
Publications 2000-2006 (selected) On networks and many-to-many marketing Gummesson, E. (2004), Many-to-Many Marketing, Liber, Malmö, Sweden. Book, 244 pp.; test edition in English will be available in September 2005. Gummesson, E. (2004), “From One-to-One to Many-To-Many Marketing.” Plenary Session Presentation at the QUIS 9 Symposium, Karlstad University, Sweden, June 15-18, 2004. Published in Edvardsson, Bo et al., eds., Proceedings from the QUIS 9 Symposium, Karlstad, Sweden: Karlstad University, pp.16-25. Gummesson, E. (2005), “After Relationship Marketing, CRM and One-to-One: Many-to-Many Networks.” Proceedings from the EMAC Annual Conference, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. Gummesson, E. (2006), “Many-to-many marketing as grand theory: A Nordic School contribution.” In Lusch, Robert F. and Vargo, Stephen L. (Eds.), Toward a Service- Dominant Logic of Marketing: Dialog, Debate, and Directions. New York: Sharpe (forthcoming).
On relationships and services Gummesson, E. (2002), Total Relationship Marketing. Butterworth-Heinemann/ Elsevier, Oxford, UK (revised second edition). Gummesson, E. (2002), ”Relationship Marketing in the New Economy”. Journal of Relationship Marketing, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 37-57. Gummesson, E. (2002), ”Relationship Marketing and a New Economy: It’s Time for De-Programming”. Journal of Services Marketing, vol. 16, no. 7, pp. 585-589. Gummesson, E. (2003), ”Relationship marketing: It all happens here and now!” Commentary, Marketing Theory, vol. 3. no.1, pp.167-169. Gummesson, E. (2004), ”Return on Relationships (ROR): The Value of Relationship Marketing and CRM in Business-to-Business Contexts”. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 136-148. Gummesson, E. (2004), ”Service Provision Calls for Partners Instead of Parties.” Commentary, Journal of Marketing, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 20-21. Lovelock, C. and Gummesson, E. (2004), ”Whither Services Marketing? In Search of a Paradigm and Fresh Perspectives,” Journal of Service Research, vol. 7, no.1, pp. 20-41.
On theory generation and research methodology Gummesson, E. (2000), Qualitative Methods in Management Research, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA (revised second edition). Gummesson, E. (2001), ”Are Current Research Approaches in Marketing Leading Us Astray?”, Marketing Theory, Vol. 1, No.1, pp.27-48. Gummesson, E. (2002), ”Practical Value of Adequate Marketing Management Theory.” Europan Journal of Marketing, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 325-349. (Also in Buber, R., Gadner, J. and Richards, L. (Eds.), Applying Qualitative Methods to Marketing Mangement Research, Palgrave, Basingstoke, UK.) Gummesson, E. (2003), “All research is interpretive!”, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 18, No. 6/7, pp. 482-492. Gummesson, E. (2004), ”Qualitative research in marketing: roadmap for a wilderness of complexity and unpredictability”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39, No.3/4, pp. 309-327. Perry, C. and Gummesson, E. (2004), ”Action research in marketing”. Commentary, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 38, No. 3/4. pp. 310-320. Gummesson, E. (2005), “Qualitative research in management: addressing complexity, context and persona.” Management Decision (forthcoming). Gummesson, E. (2005), “Case Study Research.” Book chapter. In Gustavsson, B. (ed.), Kunskapande metoder (2004 in Swedish, forthcoming in English). Gummesson, E. (2006), ”Case Studies.” In Dictionary of Management Research, Sage, London (forthcoming).