If this is your first time on NKO you will have to register as a new user. Clik the link for New User and follow the instructions This is the NKO Log In page If you have an account and a CAC card, click on this button
There is a lot to see and do on NKO, but for training courses, click on the Navy e- Learning > Online Courses link here - After you log in you will come to this screen
Now you want to click on the “Advanced Search” Link.
Now type in a key word for the course you are looking for, in the Cataloge Title box. I will used PII for the Personally Indentifiable Information (PII) training.
In this case it pulls up one course, often you will get several. Click on the course name. Make sure the course you pull up says “active” as many courses have been retired.
1. Click on Enroll 2. After you have enrolled…click on “My Enrollments”
Now click “Launch” to start your training