Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-1 Motion of an Object Attached to a Spring Acos F s = -kx
CT1: A mass attached to a spring oscillates back and forth as indicated in the position vs. time plot below. At point P, the mass has A. positive velocity and positive acceleration. B. positive velocity and negative acceleration. C. positive velocity and zero acceleration. D. negative velocity and positive acceleration. E. negative velocity and negative acceleration. F. negative velocity and zero acceleration. G. zero velocity but is accelerating (positively or negatively). H. zero velocity and zero acceleration.
CT2: A mass suspended from a spring is oscillating up and down as indicated. Consider two possibilities: (i) at some point during the oscillation the mass has zero velocity but is accelerating (positively or negatively); (ii) at some point during the oscillation the mass has zero velocity and zero acceleration. A. Both occur sometime during the oscillation. B. Neither occurs during the oscillation. C. Only (i) occurs. D. Only (ii) occurs.
Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-2 A Particle in Simple Harmonic Motion x = Acos(t+) = 2/T f = 1/T = /2 a = - 2 x
Fig. 15.6, p.458 x=Acos t=-/
Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-2 A Particle in Simple Harmonic Motion P15.3 (p.441) P15.5 (p.441)
Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-2 A Particle in Simple Harmonic Motion: Mass on a Spring F x = F s = -kx = ma = md 2 x/dt 2 d 2 x/dt 2 + 2 x = 0, where 2 = k/m Try x = Acos(t+) P15.4 (p.441)
Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-3 Energy of the Simple Harmonic Oscillator E = kA 2 /2 = mv max 2 /2 = m(A) 2 /2 = kA 2 /2 E = kx 2 /2 + mv 2 /2 is constant P15.17 (p.441)
Fig , p.462
Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-5 Pendulum and Other SHO
Fig , p.470 A. Torsion Pendulum
r t B. Simple Pendulum
Simple Pendulum: Energy View
Fig , p.469 C: Physical Pendulum P15.33 (p.443)
Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-6 Damped Oscillations
Fig , p.471
Fig , p.471 overdamped critically damped underdamped
Ch 15 Oscillatory Motion 15-7 Forced Oscillations
Fig , p.473
Polling Question: Which material would you like to review most? A. Exam 1 B. Exam 2 C. New Material
Polling Question: Which chapters from the Exam 1 material would you like to review most? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4
Polling Question: Which chapters from Exam 2 material would you like to review most? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 8
Polling Question: Which chapters from the new material would you like to review most? A. 9 B. 10 C. 11 D. 12 E. 15
Polling Question: Which type of material would you like to review most? A. problems B. concept questions C. general principles