Developing a Nursing Portfolio Evidence of your commitment to lifelong learning, personal growth and professional excellence. Oermann, M., (2002) Developing a Professional Portfolio in Nursing. Orthopaedic Nursing , 21- 2. pp73-78
A nursing portfolio is a career planning journal that guides setting career goals and making career decisions
Why? Document nursing competencies Illustrate expertise Monitor professional development Plan nursing career goals Reflect on development of knowledge and skills over time. Market self in quest for employment Compliments resume and curriculum vitae
Types of Portfolios Best work Growth and Development Career ladder promotions Job applications Annual performance review Accreditation Initial and continuing certification Growth and Development Monitor progress toward personal and professional goals Self evaluation Working document from which a best work portfolio can be developed.
Professional Development Learning Needs ASSESSMENT/DIAGNOSIS Evaluate personal knowledge and skills Identify personal and professional goals Develop a PLAN to meet learning needs Inservice/Continuing Education Completion of selected clinical experiences Learning Activities Independent practice of skills Reading articles/Research to fill gaps in knowledge
Professional Development CONT. IMPLEMENT the plan Schedule/complete activities and record dates Make a list of materials to be collected for the portfolio that provide evidence of the completion of these activities. EVALUATION & revision Assess progress Determine areas for continued professional development Focus on how each employment position fits into career plans Maintain portfolio for career transitions
Other uses for portfolio Annual Performance Appraisal Accreditation Survey Applying to Nursing Education Programs Continuing Competence Documentation Relicensure/Certification (Required in England) Skills assessment inventories/Individual abilities Testing at specified intervals Computer simulated testing Role expectations, proof of competency
TIPS Documents are selected according to the purpose of the portfolio… Differ based on type of portfolio, clinical specialty, unit, responsibilities, required competencies. All documents should be labeled and dated Save more materials than are needed for the current portfolio – the purpose of the portfolio may change over time Create a filing system for documents not included in the current portfolio Maintain and update portfolio periodically to monitor growth and development and to document progress in meeting career goals.
Documentation to include Resume Plan for professional development Academic Transcripts Health Records/Immunizations Job Description Competency Checklists Curriculum Vitae Formal Education License # & State Certifications with titles and organizations Awards Performance evaluations/appraisals Reference letters Commendations Community Service Nursing Organizations List of Committees with summary of responsibilities Continuing & Inservice Education with documentation CEU’s with contact hours received Outcomes of learning Materials produced for patients and staff Quality improvement projects Presentations: unit, clinical, community Writing samples – especially published articles