Well being By Bethan Frost PESS Consultant & Advisory Teacher for PE in Cardiff
What is Wellbeing/ what does it look likle? a state of health, happiness and/or prosperity en.wiktionary.org/wiki/well-being en.wiktionary.org/wiki/well-being Subject's physical and mental soundness
‘Well-being is at the heart of the School Effectiveness Framework (SEF) and is a crucial core element of the work of education settings.’ Thinking Positively Emotional health and wellbeing in schools and early years WAG 2010
How do we evaluate wellbeing? (CIF 1.2) How good are pupils’ attitudes to keeping healthy and safe (CIF 1.2.1) How much do pupils participate in and enjoy their learning? (CIF What is the extent of pupils’ community involvement and decision-making? How good are pupils’ social and life skills? (CIF1.2.4) Questions we should consider about pupils’ social and life skills. Self evaluation guidance – ESTYN 2010 What ESTYN Says …..
OutcomesProvisionL&M ESTYN says pupils standards are high when … How TO ESTYN says provision is good when teachers… How TO ESTYN says L&M is good when leaders How TO play a part in school life Promote opportunities for pupils to be active beyond the school day e.g. in lessons, displays, assemblies, discussions with pupils Develop partnerships with primary through the deployment of leaders to assist in clubs, festivals, food and fitness days etc… through PESS, 5x60 and Dragon Sport. Show respect, care and concern for others Provide opportunities for learners to make choices and share views within areas of experience through discussions, questionnaires, sports council. Pupils mentor other pupils Promote and develop pupils knowledge skills,understanding and values of ESDGC Make links in planning to wellbeing, ESDGC, PSE etc ESDGC – link with ESDGC Coordinator e.g link AA activities with sustainable development e.g. journeying, shelter building, orienteering, competitive and Dance with global citizenship Adapt activities to suite weather,skill levels and dress. Link with PSE leader to develop curriculum planning
feel valued and healthy Learners are comfortable when performing e.g. pair only observing pair Value and praise what their peers do and say Celebrate success of fair play, effort, behaviour as well as achievement Develop these aspects through all areas of experience e.g. fair play in problem solving activities, competitive games challenge pupils stereotypes in pupils attitudes, choices, expectations and achievements Promote fair play and the principles that help pupils distinguish between right and wrong Value and praise all pupils for what they do and say Establish an atmosphere in which learners feel safe to say things, take risks and respond creatively. Discuss/use relevant both male and female role models from a variety of areas of experience and deal with inappropriate behaviour Encourage pupils to share their views and raise issues. create an ethos in which pupils and staff feel valued Work strategically with feeder primaries to improve pupils wellbeing Celebratory assembly Create PLC addressing some of the issues around transition as identified by the cluster OutcomesProvisionL&M
take part in sufficient physical activity to be and feel healthy eat healthy food Provide food and fitness diaries for home learning Develop pupils knowledge skills and understanding in exercise, hygiene to enable pupils to make healthy choices Encourage pupils to be healthy All areas of HFW are addressed and delivered i.e. health benefits, activity promotion, safety, exercise effects Develop pupils profiles to include healthy choices, intentions develop policies that are focussed on meeting pupils needs Develop a wellbeing policy Link into Healthy Schools planning OutcomesProvisionL&M
Pupils take part in sufficient physical activity to be healthy Pupils eat healthy food Outcomes Pupils feel healthy Attitudes to keeping healthy and safe Pupils have a secure understanding of how they become healthy Pupils are safe and free from physical and verbal abuse Pupils take part and bring their kit regularly Outcomes
Teacher helps pupils achieve emotional and physical health and well-being Teacher encourages pupils to be healthy Teacher provides opportunities for pupils to work with others in a range of groups Teacher provides appropriate time and activities to support physical development Health and well- being Provision Teacher provides opportunities for pupils to solve problems Provision Teacher provides opportunities for pupils to improve their own learning
What this looks like in an ESTYN report Outcomes Wellbeing: Good attitudes to keeping healthy and safe Most pupils have a secure understanding of how to become healthy. They have positive attitudes to healthy eating. They exercise regularly and most engage readily in a wide range of activities that promote their physical fitness. Pupils feel safe participation and enjoyment in learning Pupils are motivated to do well and willingly engage in activities within and outside the classroom. Attendance rates over the last three years compare well with similar schools. Almost all pupils behave well in classrooms and around the school.
1.2.3 community involvement and decision making Many pupils play an extensive role in a wide range of activities in the local community, including having a say about them through the work local community, including having a say about them through the work of the junior community council. Through the school council and other of the junior community council. Through the school council and other groups, pupils contribute effectively to many aspects of school life, groups, pupils contribute effectively to many aspects of school life, particularly in relation to healthy eating and the school environment social and life skills Pupils relate well to each other and have well-developed social skills. They readily take on responsibilities and older pupils are well prepared for life and work outside school.
What evidence do we have to show the impact we have in PE on wellbeing? Whose responsibility is it to do this?
Action Planning Any questions