Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigations of Ground Movements of Taipei 101 Deep Excavation 國立中興大學水土保持學系研究所 九十九學年度第二學期 專討四 授課老師 : 陳文福 教授 指導老師 : 林德貴 教授 學生 : 蔡怡臻 學號 : /6/10 土石流防災中心地下室
Methodology Soil Model Field Description and Construction Introduction Outline 2
Introduction Based on the actual construction sequences, a three- dimensional (3-D) deformation analysis was performed to simulate the ground movement of deep excavation in Taipei 101 construction project. In 3-D analysis, an optimized geometry model and mesh density was adopted according to the convergence study to achieve a computation with high efficiency and accuracy. This paper is divided into three parts: data collection, calibration of 3-D numerical model of Taipei 101 deep excavation and investigations of various numerical models. 4
Methodology 5
Flow Chart 6
Field Description and Construction 8
Brief of deep excavation of Taipei 101 construction project 9
Excavation configuration and selected zones and sections for numerical analyses 10 PodiumTower
Construction Procedure Construction Procedure 11
Soil Model 12
SoilModel Soil Model 13 Soft Soil Creep Model Hardening Soil Model with small strain Mohr-Coulomb
Soil Model 14 Hardening Soil Model with small strain
Soil Model 15 Soft Soil Creep Model CcCc CsCs C α