1 Online Support Groups: The Technological Advance By: Madalyn Maldonado
2 What is the easiest way to find online support? SupportPath.com is a great resource for finding online information and support. Support path is an organizational website which alphabetically organizes different categories for which support is offered. For each categories there are several information links and links to support groups.
3 What are the advantages of online support groups? They can be very informative. They help people realize that they are not alone.
4 Why are they effective? They are a way for people to share their thoughts, feelings, problems, fears, and ideas with others who can understand what they are going through. It may be easier for one to say certain things when they aren’t face to face with someone.
5 Statistics on Internet Information and Online Support Group Users 30% of adult users, or about 93 million Americans have searched for at least one major health topic online. 30% of adult users, or about 93 million Americans have searched for at least one major health topic online. 54% of internet users, or about 63 million Americans have used websites offering online support groups. 54% of internet users, or about 63 million Americans have used websites offering online support groups.
6 Conclusion With the advances in technology occurring every day, online support has enabled people to increase their knowledge about health issues and find people who can relate to them.