Applying for a 2015 NCR-SARE Partnership Grant Pro Advancing sustainable agriculture since The Partnership Grant program is intended to foster cooperation between agriculture professionals and small groups of farmers and ranchers to catalyze on- farm research, demonstration, and education activities related to sustainable agriculture.
Grants and outreach to advance sustainable innovations to the whole of American agriculture. What is SARE?
SARE was started in 1988, conceived as a decentralized, science-based, grassroots, practical, problem solving – and inclusive – competitive grant making and outreach program. Something New and Different Photo by Jerry DeWitt
The SARE Model Four regional councils set priorities and make grants SARE Outreach produces practical info USDA-NIFA supports SARE Other USDA agencies and land- grant universities are partners
The SARE Model Successful SARE grantees are engaged in projects that simultaneously guided by the 3 principals of sustainability… Photo by Ted Coonfield Profit over the long term Stewardship of our nation’s land and water Quality of Life for farmers, ranchers and their communities
SARE Outreach a library of practical, how-to books (in print or download for free) media outreach a portfolio of in-depth reports on current topics conference sponsorships countless online resources, including project reports
Sustainable pest and weed mgmt Clean energy Marketing Stewardship of land and water Systems research Community development Crop diversification Soil quality Nutrient management Rotational grazing …and much more Photo by Troy Bishopp The SARE Portfolio
SARE Grant Types Since 1988, SARE has invested in 4,000 projects nationwide SARE in the North Central Region offers grants for: Research & Education Professional Development Partnership Graduate Student Farmer/Rancher Youth Educator Visit or Photo by Carol Flaherty
NCR-SARE Partnership Grants Photo courtesy Wayne Martin Grants for up to $30,000 total for up to 2 yrs Can be research, demonstration, education, or marketing Involve a team of 3 or more farmers or ranchers Led by an “ ag professional ” Fund project this year
Examples of “Ag Professional” Each project is to be led by an “ag professional,” such as: Extension educators (specialist/agents) Other university educators or researchers Non-profit organization staff Agency staff Certified crop advisors Other ag and natural resource consultants photo credit: Francis John Hay
Photo by Jerry DeWitt For the 2015 NCR-SARE Partnership Grants, up to $200,000 of the available $340,000 will be set aside for funding on cover crops and/or soil health. To apply for consideration under this topic area: - Use the words cover crops and/or soil health in your project title - Focus your project activities on research, demonstration, and/or education activities around cover crops and soil health Joint funding for this program provided by the Howard G. Buffett Foundation Other topics considered for the remaining funds Cover Crops and Soil Health
Click here to download Call for Proposals
Guidelines Proposals due October 30 by 4:00 pm CDT Involve 3 or more farmers, with each farmer representing an independent and separate or distinct operation Online application Funding can cover partial salary and benefits of ag professional, on-farm research expenses, education programming, travel, etc. Equipment expenses limited to $5000 or less
Proposal Sections Summary Project Description List of objectives Relevance to sustainable ag and regional concerns Proposed activities, including outreach plan Role of ag professionals, farmers or ranchers Previous research on the topic Outcomes and impact Budget and budget justification Attach resumes, animal welfare statement (if applicable), signature page, and letters from participating farmers Photo courtesy NRCS
Look up past SARE projects to see how your work differs or builds on past projects Contact your SARE state coordinator
Click here to search for past SARE projects
You must click “Save and Continue” at bottom of each page to save your information
SARE will allow your institution to take 10 % of Total Award as Indirect Costs (IDC). To calculate IDC – take % of Total Direct Costs. $25,000 x.1111 = $2777. Add that in as Indirect Budget Category
Submitting to your institution for review and signatures
HTML Draft version. All information in narrative boxes. Print to submit to grants office with cover and signoff pages. Will need to print attachments separately if grant office requires.
Cover Sheet:
Signoff Sheet Print, sign, and submit to your institution’s grant office to complete and sign. You will upload pdf of pages with all signatures in institutional signoff section of application.
Upload pdf of signed cover and signoff sheet as an attachment in “Institutional Signoff “section
With required narrative sections completed and required attachments uploaded, you can proceed to final submission section.
To view prior to submission, choose “continue without submitting proposal” from drop down, then click “submit” button, which will take you to screen where you can view/print proposal
Choose edit existing to review your preproposal prior to submission
Final submission step
Confirmation of submission
Timeline 2015 Partnership Program Grant Cycle Photo courtesy Wayne Martin Oct. 30, 2014 Proposals due in St. Paul office 4:00 pm CDT Early March 2015 Applicants notified Mid-April 2015Funds available to applicants Project Overview due online March 1, Annual report due Project end dateFinal report due 60 days after project end date
Contact for more information Beth Nelson, phone Rob Myers, phone North Central SARE Office, phone Advancing sustainable agriculture since 1988