Respiratory System Laboratory S.K. Kim
124F Middle nasal choncha Inferior nasal choncha P Nasal septum Nasal cavity Nasal vestibule #124, #124P, #124F
124F: nasal vestibule
#124: Nasal mucosa (Ep + Lamina propria) Nasal mucosa respiratory epithelium sero-mucous glands dilated venules and veins
# 124 #124 Olfactory Mucosa ? (monkey) Nasal septum
Nasal mucosa Throughout the nasal cavity. Respiratory epithelium with goblet cells. Sero-mucous glands in the lamina propria. Dilated venules and veins. Olfactory mucosa Limited to a small area on the roof. Taller epithelium with no goblet cells. (Only) serous glands (Bowman’s) in the lamina propria. Dilated venules and veins. Olfactory nerve Bowman’s gland
115 (H&E) Sagital section of the palate palatal and maxillary bone formation Nasal cavity Oral cavity Upper lip Gingiva (gum) Developing tooth Rotate 180 o
Nasal cavity, Pharynx and Larynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Trachea Esophagus Larynx Nasal cavity (septum) Nasopharynx chonchae Epiglottis Posterior view
#125-2 Larynx Thyroid cartilage Laryngeal ventricle Clemente pl. 562 Gray’s p.956
Vestibular fold (false vocal fold) (true) Vocal fold #125-2 Larynx
Respiratory epithelium Stratified squamous epithelium, non-keratining
#40; Trachea Respiratory epithelium Basement membrane Elastic fibers
#126 Trachea Esophagus esophagus trachea Trachealis muscle
#127 Trachealis Muscle (smooth)
#130-1 Lung 2? 1? Bronchus Pulmonary artery Bronchi
#130-1 Lung Pulmonary artery Close to bronchial trees relatively thin wall (media) elastic laminae relatively wide lumen
#130-1 Lung Broncial cartilage 4? 3? Bronchial vein Bronchial artery Only in the wall of large bronchi. Ordinary arteries with relatively thick media.
#130-1 Lung Ciliated and non- ciliated (Clara) cells No goblet cells Prominent sm. M. Ciliated cells non-ciliated cells Smooth muscle Bronchiole
#132-2 (Terminal) Bronchiole & Pulmonary artery Bronchiole P. A. Smooth Muscle
#132 Lung 6? 5? 7? Terminal bronchiole Respiratory bronchiole P.A. Low cells alveolar pocketing Knobs of sm. muscle (arrows)
#129 Lung 8? Alveolar duct 9? alveoli Alveolar sac
#130-1 Lung Type I Pneumocyte Type II Pneumocyte (surfactant) Macrophage 10? 11? 12?
#130-1 Lung Pulmonary vein Away from bronchial trees thin wall 13?
#130-2 Lung Pulmonary vein
#129 Lung ? ? ?