Macromedia Studio MX 2004 Training from the Source
Project 1: Jade Valley Part 1: Fireworks Lesson 1: Preparing Graphics Lesson 2: Designing a Page Interface Lesson 3: Exporting a Site Design The template you create…
Project 1: Jade Valley Part 2: Dreamweaver Lesson 4 Preparing a New Site Lesson 5 Developing a Page Template Lesson 6 Developing Site Content The content you create…
Project 1: Jade Valley Part 3: Freehand Lesson 7 Repurposing Design for Print Lesson 8 Storyboarding Flash Movies The storyboard you create…
Project 1: Jade Valley Part 4: Flash Lesson 9 Creating a Flash Movie Lesson 10 Animation and Interactivity The Flash Movie you create…
Project 2: Dante Part 5: Dreamweaver and Flash Lesson 11 Preparing the Dante Site Lesson 12 Nonlinear Flash Interactions Lesson 13 Drag-and-Drop Interactions The Dante Flash you create…
Project 2: Dante Part 6: DW and ColdFusion Lesson 14 Dynamic, Data-Driven Sites Lesson 15 Connecting to Data Sources Fred’s ASP RenditionASP Rendition You can download the Developer Edition of ColdFusion from index.cfm?product=coldfusion index.cfm?product=coldfusion
Project 2: Dante Part 7: Flash and ColdFusion Lesson 16 A Component-Based Flash Quiz Lesson 17 Flash, ColdFusion, and the Database What you create is at Fred’s ASP renditionASP rendition