LOAN REPAYMENT STRATEGIES Estimating Your Monthly Student Loan Payments Module 5 Tulane University Jeffrey Hanson Education Services
2 Doing the math! How much will you have to pay each month?
Estimate Your Monthly Payment “Repayment Estimator” at: To “log in,” enter: FSA ID* Password *ED has switched from using a PIN to a new FSA ID and password – you can create your new FSA ID and password when you sign in to 3
Estimate Your Monthly Payment “Repayment Estimator” at: Click on: “Repayment Estimator” to use the calculator 4
Enter needed information 5 For income driven (IDR) plans, enter: Tax filing status Adjusted gross income, household size and state of residence Also can: Add loans Apply for Direct Consolidation Loan Apply for IDR plan results
Sample Payment Estimates Federal Student Loan Debt = $100,000 (Weighted average interest rate = 6.6%) Household AGI = $35,000 (Household Size = 1; State = LA) (Estimates calculated using “Repayment Estimator” at: ) 6
Choosing Your Federal Student Loan Payment Plan Why? Your loans will be put on the Standard (10-year fixed) Plan if you fail to notify servicer of desired plan When? 30 days prior to start of repayment How? Notify your loan servicer (e.g., online or by phone) Apply for an income-driven plan at: What if you need to change plans? Contact your loan servicer 8
For more information … Contact your loan servicer(s) Online resources: Federal student loans: Federal student loan repayment: “Repayment Estimator”: 9
Opportunities to learn more … Understanding the Unique Nature of Federal Student Loans Planning for Student Loan Repayment Exploring the Student Loan Repayment Plans Understanding the Income- Driven Repayment Plans Taking Stock of Your Student Loan Portfolio Developing Your Student Loan Repayment Timeline Choosing Your Student Loan Payment Plan Understanding Student Loan Consolidation Public Service Loan Forgiveness 10 Check out all the loan repayment modules:
BE STRATEGIC: Take Charge of Loan Repayment! Jeffrey Hanson Education Services Tulane University