Future of Science Conference Zoran Nenadic, DSc Assistant Professor Department of Biomedical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (courtesy) University of California, Irvine September 26, 2009
Can a computer read your mind?
Problem : Engineering is not attracting enough people to the field Engineering is not attracting the diversity of background needed Students who are good in math and science may not be aware of engineering careers If this trend continues, the U.S. may lose its competitiveness in the global economy Moving Forward to Improve Engineering Education, National Science Board, 2007National Science Board A central issue: the way engineering is perceived by prospective students teachers (YOU)teachers (YOU) guidance counselors parents
Background : Society at large does not have an accurate perception of the nature of engineering MythReality Engineering is only responsible for economic growth and defense Engineering improves health, the quality of life and environment Engineers know math and science and are interested in “things” Modern engineering is about people, communication and leadership skills Engineering is for loners not interested in social issues Modern engineering is about teamwork and increasingly about social issues Engineering is not for women and minorities 1 in 10 engineers is a woman (1 in 2) 1 in 20 engineers is Hispanic (1 in 7) 1 in 30 engineers is black (1 in 7.5) (we need more!)
Significance : In contrast to these common public perceptions, it is an exciting time to be an engineer - The next generation of U.S. engineers will be challenged to find holistic solutions to: population energy environment food water terrorism housing health transportation problems - New subfields of engineering continue to emerge: nanotechnology biotechnology information technology logistics
Opportunity : Biomedical Engineering (BME) is here to stay. Biomedical Engineers combine engineering, biology, and biomechanical principles to the design, development, and evaluation of biological and health systems and products, such as artificial organs, prostheses, instrumentation, medical information systems, and heath management and care delivery systems.
Opportunity : Orange County is the center of biomedical device industry (~200 companies) It takes 4 years to earn a BME degree (comparable to science degree, and much shorter than medical and law degrees) Mean annual wage for BME professionals: $81,120 Mean annual wage for BME professionals (California): $91,590 Other engineering disciplines (mechanical, electrical, chemical, civil) have similar wages source: United States Department of Labor, 2008
Approach : - “Make a Difference” message is key - This represents a paradigm shift from the previous message where the challenge of math and science skills were emphasized - Encouraging students to make a difference in the world through an engineering career is more likely to attract them to engineering. Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering, National Academy of Engineering, 2008
Brain Computer Interface (BCI) featured at “60 minutes”
BCI research at UC Irvine
10-20 International Standard
ABCD E FG H IJ K LMN OPQRST U V W XYZ, <890? ! > AB CDEFG HIJ K LMN OP Q RSTU VWX Y Z, < 890?!> “E” 400 ms
80 points (numbers) 640 numbers T=? 2 numbers
Q: How would you increase the performance? Q: What else can be done?