California Earthquakes
Sylmar Earthquake About: When: 6:00 A.M. February 9, 1971 Where: San Fernando Valley What: Ruptured segment of the San Fernando Fault Zone. Magnitude 6.6
Damage 65 people died $500 million in damage Two hospitals were destroyed Freeway Interchange Collapsed
The Whittier Narrows Earthquake About: When: 7:42 A.M. October 1 st, 1987 Where: San Gabriel Valley What: Slip on a blind thrust fault. Magnitude 5.9 and 5.3
Damage 3 people died $358 million in damage
Loma Prieta Earthquake About: When: 5:04 P.M. October 17 th, 1989 Where: The greater San Francisco Bay Area What: Reflected seismic waves
Damage 63 people died & 3,757 were injured $6 billion in damage Cypress Street Viaduct San Francisco-Oakland Bridge
Northridge Earthquake About: When: 4:30 A.M. January 17 th, 1994 Where: San Fernando Valley What: Blind Thrust Fault
Damage 51 people died & 9,000 were seriously Injured $44 billion in damage 22,000 people left homeless, 25,000 dwellings uninhabitable, 9 hospitals lost, 9 parking garages collapsed, 9 bridges collapsed, portions of 11 major roads closed
Total Damages and Costs Over the past 23 years the costs of these 4 earthquakes has been a crushing blow for California The total number of deaths is estimated to be 188 The total number of injuries is roughly estimated to be 8,804 The estimated costs of damage due to these earthquakes is $31,531,000,000
What Can Be Done?
Seismic Retrofitting Seismic retrofitting is the modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity, ground motion, or soil failure due to earthquakes. The key elements of seismic retrofitting are the levels of modifications and the types of modifications
Levels of Modification Public Safety: the number one goal is to ensure that in the event of an earthquake, a building will not fall on the people inside or the people passing by. Building will need to be replaced Structure Survivability: Structure stays for so people can exit in the even of an earthquake. After the quake it will need extensive repair but no need for replacement. Primary Structure Undamaged: Only cosmetic repairs necessary. Structure Unaffected: Nothing damaged. Used for historic structures.
Types of Modification Hybrid Solution: Ductile reinforcement and joining of rigid plates and beams Isolation: Required for large masonry buildings. The building is separated from the actual foundation. The two are joined by steal or reinforced concrete beams. Dampers: Absorb the energy of motion and turn it into heat. Helps to reduce the damage of the initial shock. Reinforcement: Adding strength to the original structure. The most common form of Seismic retrofit.