Team JADS 1 The PFADS Competition Team JADS Sean McNary John Yoshimura ENGR 5 - Lab 5
Team JADS 2 Outline Problem Definition Design Process Design Process continued Results and Discussion Suggested Improvements Conclusions Acknowledgements
Team JADS 3 Introduction/Background Problem: Design PFADS for UNICEF Parabolic Food Aid Delivery System PFADS must deliver Food Aid Package to target location
Team JADS 4 Introduction/Background PYTHON-INFESTED JUNGLE BOUNDARY 4 in 4 ft 8 ft START LINE FAP TARGET SPOT 6 ft 2 in 3.5 ft 10 ft
Team JADS 5 Constraints PFADS: Weight< 10 lbs. Length< 18 in. Width< 18 in. Height< 18 in. Cost< $20.00 Built using no pre-constructed materials
Team JADS 6 Criteria Hit target 10 feet away and maximize accuracy Go over 6’ 2’’ high wall Device launches when trigger hits barrier Complete device must remain behind barrier Minimize Weight(< 10 lbs.) Minimize Volume(< 18’’x18’’x18’’)
Team JADS 7 Project Objectives Design and construct a PFADS using the design process. Practice Teamwork Create and Give a Formal Presentation
Team JADS 8 Preliminary Ideas CatapultModified Catapult Rat Trap Sling-Shot
Team JADS 9 Refinement Pros Simple Release Mechanism Weight of Launcher Cons Accuracy of launch Low release angle FAP launch distance Total Volume of Device Catapult
Team JADS 10 Refinement Pros Large, Stable Base Smaller Launch Arm Simple Trigger Weight of Launcher Cons FAP Launch Distance Launch Accuracy Launcher Volume Modified Catapult
Team JADS 11 Refinement Pros Launcher Volume Launcher Weight Cons FAP Launch Distance Launch Accuracy Incorporating Rat Trap in Launcher Low Launch Angle Rat Trap
Team JADS 12 Refinement Pros FAP Launch Distance Launch Accuracy Cons Launcher Volume Launcher Weight Sling-shot
Team JADS 13 Decision/Implementation Designs 1-3 have similar launch mechanisms Steep launch angle reduces power of catapult Sling shot needed improvement to guide FAP through sling shot (Frame with Rails). Sling Shot selected to be constructed.
Team JADS 14 Construction and Testing First Design: Weight: 9 lbs. Height: 17.5 inches Testing: FAP launched over wall PFADS flipped over wall Problems: High center of gravity Rolled down ramp fast
Team JADS 15 Construction and Testing Solutions To prevent PFADS flipping over wall: Reduced Volume and Weight of PFADS to lower center of gravity Added brace with foam padding Removed wheels & added skis to reduce speed
Team JADS 16 Final Mechanism (Side View) Total Weight: 7 lbs. Key Features: PVC frame with rails to guide FAP Metal rod unhooks gate latch to release FAP Skis to slide down ramp Foam Bumper Adjustable Launch Angle
Team JADS 17 Results/Discussion FAP launched straight and landed on target, but rolled away. Trial Distances: 4’ and 3.25’ First FOM Second FOM Final Figure of Merit: Finished 4 th
Team JADS 18 Results/Discussion Advantages Launched FAP over wall consistently PFADS remained behind ramp barrier Disadvantages Weight and Volume FAP hit target but rolled away
Team JADS 19 Suggested Improvements Use Lighter Materials Construct frame using lighter material such as aluminum Improve Launch Angle Mechanism Don’t use nails
Team JADS 20 Conclusions Key Criteria and Constraints Launch FAP over 6’2” wall to target with accuracy PFADS Mechanism Weight < 10 lbs. Volume < 18” x 18” x 18” Use No Pre-constructed Materials
Team JADS 21 Conclusions Final Design Used Sling-shot mechanism to launch FAP Lighter and smaller than original design Trigger: Metal rod pushed gate hook off an eye bolt PFADS remained behind barrier Launched FAP over wall consistently
Team JADS 22 Conclusions Mechanism Performance Successfully Launched During Both Trials 4’ and 3.25’ Finished in 4 th Place Total FOM FAP was expected to hit and stop on target FAP actually hit target but rolled away
Team JADS 23 Conclusions Improvements Reduce weight and size of PFADS Improve Launch Angle Mechanism Improve accuracy by preventing FAP from rolling away from target
Team JADS 24 Acknowledgements Team JADS would like to thank the following individuals for their time and help: Professor Saviz Professor Schultz Bob Pollard Adrian the Machinist ENGR 5 Introduction to Engineering Course Manual