MICO 15 th February 2010 Terry Hart (MOM) - Decay Solenoid and Target - MICE Machine Physics runs - User Run Plans
Decay Solenoid and Target 15 Feb, Decay Solenoid (from Matt Hills) Matt and Willie used leak detector to pump pipework while spraying externally with helium. - No leak found; difficult to get background helium to low level Access to decay solenoid turret arranged to spray remaining pipework Tested for leaks in transfer pipes by connecting leak detector to DS/transfer line circuit - No leak found after letting transfer line vacuum space up to 1 bar helium Connected gas analyzer directly to buffer - N 2 contamination higher than expected, could explain contamination OPN for access to decay solenoid turret during ISIS running being developed by Willie (MICE) David Findlay (ISIS) Frances Burge (Health and Safety) Target 2 (from Paul Hodgson, more in Ken Long’s talk) A couple of DAQ interruptions over weekend Evidence of some wear seen in distance vs. time plot Achieved over 1,500,000 actuations - Record for target run in R78!
TOF/KL Calibration With +/- Particles Feb. 10: negative particle data at 2V beam loss – 300 MeV/c e - with TOF0 trigger (calibrate KL, TOF2) – 300 MeV/c e - with TOF1 trigger (calibrate KL, nominal trigger) – 250 MeV/c e - with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – 200 MeV/c e - with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – 300 MeV/c π - with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – 250 MeV/c π - with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – 200 MeV/c π - with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) Feb. 12: positive particle data at 1V beam loss – 300 MeV/c e + with TOF0 trigger (calibrate KL, TOF2) – 300 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (calibrate KL, nominal trigger) – 250 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – 200 MeV/c e + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) – 300 MeV/c π + with TOF1 trigger (study systematics) Beam spread out to cover outer TOF counters by lowing Q7-Q8-Q9 currents 15 Feb, 20103
User Run Plans Reluctance to use up target pulse budget without working decay solenoid Short run planned for Thursday, Feb. 18 for online monitoring tests MICE data taking request with indefinite dates when decay solenoid working – Check and complete (emittance, momentum) matrix – Measure particle production vs. beam loss for different particle species – Proton absorber studies 15 Feb, 20104