Web Quest Sea Turtles Created by Mary Jane Centeno
Sea Turtles IntroductionIntroduction / Task / Process / Resources / Evaluation / Conclusion / FrameworksTaskProcessResourcesEvaluationConclusion Frameworks
Introduction Would you like to learn more about sea turtles? I thought you would. Let’s go! Would you like to learn more about sea turtles? I thought you would. Let’s go!
Task (Retelling) FFFFind out as much as you can about your sea turtle. W W W Write a paragraph telling all you have learned. DDDDraw a picture to go along with your paragraph.
Process 1. Pick a sea turtle 1. Pick a sea turtle 2. Draw a picture of your sea turtle. 2. Draw a picture of your sea turtle. 3. Find out about your sea turtle. (Use the web links). 3. Find out about your sea turtle. (Use the web links). 4. Write a paragraph telling about your sea turtle. 4. Write a paragraph telling about your sea turtle. 5. Share your information with the class. 5. Share your information with the class.
Resources All Sea Turtles es/turtle1.htm es/turtle1.htm es/turtle1.htm Turtle/home.html Turtle/home.html Turtle/home.html Turtle/sthabit.htmlII. Turtle/sthabit.htmlII. Turtle/sthabit.htmlII Turtle/sthabit.htmlII information.php information.php information.php
Evaluation Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score Draw picture of sea turtle and write paragraph Picture and paragraph with 1 beefy sentence. Picture and paragraph with 1 beefy sentence and closing sentence. Picture and paragraph with opening sentence,2 beefy sentences and closing sentence. Picture and paragraph with opening sentence, 3 beefy details and closing sentence.
Conclusion Just think of all you have learned about sea turtles! Are you ready to share your picture and paragraph? Let’s go! Just think of all you have learned about sea turtles! Are you ready to share your picture and paragraph? Let’s go!
Frameworks SSSScience and Technology/Engineering Curriculum Framework (May 2001) B B B Basic operations and concepts –d–d–d–demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature and operation of technology systems. –p–p–p–proficient in the use of technology –T–T–T–Technology research tools: use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from a variety of sources. LLLLife Science (Biology) (preK-8) Strand R R R Recognize that animals (including humans) and plants are living things that grow, reproduce, and need food, air, and water. R R R Recognize that people and other animals interact with the environment through their senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. RRRRecognize changes in appearance that animals and plants go through as the seasons change. IIIIdentify the ways in which an organism's habitat provides for its basic needs.