FACULTY MEETING September 26, 2008 Marty Wood Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education Chair, SOE Curricula & Courses Committee
Motion on Catalog changes I propose the following motion: “The catalog, course and program changes approved at the School of Engineering Curricula and Courses Committee reports dated September 9 and 18, 2008 be approved”
Engineering Physics Joint Program Current catalog wording: Offered jointly by the School of Engineering and the Department of Physics in the College of Liberal Arts and Science, Engineering Physics majors can concentrate in either (1) Electrical, (2) Materials Science & Engineering or (3) Mechanical. Students must satisfy the course requirements of both the College of Liberal Arts and Science and the School of Engineering to complete this degree. Proposed revision: Offered jointly by the School of Engineering and the Department of Physics in the College of Liberal Arts and Science, Engineering Physics majors can concentrate in either (1) Electrical, (2) Materials Science & Engineering or (3) Mechanical. To complete this degree, students must satisfy the course requirements of the degree granting college or school.
Future curricula plans Develop minors in: Sustainable Energy Engineering Management Consider offering minors in existing engineering programs with no minors Develop a Certificate Program Continue discussing whether engineering course credit can be earned by “course credit by examination” Continue to review the lower division courses to integrate the skills of the “Engineer of 2020”