day 1, Wednesday, 1 st August :00 Discuss charge and agenda, organization 13:30 Joint Session with UCN Working Goup 13:15 UCN Sources Worldwide and for TRIUMF (Masuda) (45+10) 14:10 Photofission, (gamma,n) Sources and UCN (Behr) (10+10) 14:30 coffee 15:00 SCRF joint session: Electron Linac Design (Koscielniak) (15+5) 15:20 LIFE Sciences: location/footprint of future facility (Buckley) (10+5) 15:30 UCN Infrastructure and Proton Hall Floorplan (Davis) (20+5) 16:00 Discussion: Possible footprint conflicts in & near the Proton Hall ILC Technology Development – working group – draft agenda
day 2, Thursday, 2 nd August :00 Joint Session with ISAC Physics Group 9:00 Photofission sources (Beene) (60 mins) 10:00 TRIUMF plans for 1.3 GHz SCRF development (Laxdal) (20+10) 10:30 Discussion: How to maximize synergy with and benefits to ILC SCRF development. For example: - qualify a Canadian manufacturer (3rd in N America) - develop LLRF, tuner, or coupler? - single crystal studies - develop 650 MHz for damping ring 11:30 Discussion: What is the staging (timeline and plans) from the PAVAC collaboration on single-cells to a 1.3 GHz MW-class electron linac? - what are steps? (e.g. design, R&D, fabrication, testing & installation) - how long for each? - what man power? - what infrastructure? 12:00 luncheon
13:00 a.m. discussion continued 14:00 Canadian light source and Compton Scattering x-ray source (DeJong) (30+10) 14:40 Coffee 15:00 Discussion: What are the minimum parameters (current, energy, etc) for a useful IR-FEL in back leg of ERL? Where is the user community and what would make such a source attractive in Canada? 15:20 Discussion: what ERL-driven aspects of the specification could be useful to a fission driver? 15:40 Writing of summary and conclusions day 2, Thursday, continued