World Wheat Production, Exports, Consumption, and Ending Stocks Production Consumption Ending Stocks Exports 1960/61 – 2003/04 Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
Foreign Wheat Production, Consumption, Imports, and Ending Stocks Production Consumption Ending Stocks Imports 1960/61 – 2003/04 Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
Wheat: Major Producers 2002/03 and 2003/04 (million metric tons) 2002/03 (estimated) 2003/04 (projected) Total = Total = Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
U.S. Wheat Production, Exports, Consumption, and Ending Stocks Production Consumption Ending Stocks Exports 1965/61 – 2003/04 Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
Wheat U.S. Supply/Demand (million bushels) 1999/002000/012001/022002/032003/04 Supply Beginning Stks. ProductionImports Total Supply 9462,299943, ,232903, , , ,616772,471(Aug.)4922,292902,874 Disappearance Domestic Use Exports Total Use Ending Stks. Carryover/Use (%) Avg. Farm Price 1,3011,0892, ,3341,0622, , , , , ,1801,0502, Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
U.S. Wheat Yield, Planted and Harvested Acreage, Yield Harvested Acres Planted Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
Wheat: Area Planted and Harvested, 1996 – 2003 (1,000 acres) Planted 1/ Kansas N. Dakota OklahomaTexas U.S Harvested Kansas OklahomaTexas U.S / Includes area planted in preceding fall Source: WASDE/USDA/NASS
U.S. Wheat Supply/Demand by Class (million bushels) Disappearance Domestic Use Exports Total Use Ending Stks. Carryover/Use (%) Supply Beginning Stks. Production Total Supply DurumWWHRSSRWHRW Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
U.S. Wheat Total Imports 1982/83 – 2003/04 Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
U.S. Domestic Wheat Use 1980/82 – 2003/04 Food Use Feed Use Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
U.S. Average Prices Received by Farmers for Corn & Wheat, January ‘89 – June 2003 Wheat Corn Source:USDA:
World Wheat Exports 2002/03 and 2003/04 (million metric tons) 2002/03 (estimated) 2003/04 (projected) Total = Total = Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
Season Average Wheat Price vs. U.S. and World Ending Stocks-to-Use 1969/70 – 2003/04 Price U.S. Ending Stks. World Ending Stks. Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
U.S. Wheat Carryover/Use vs. Season Average Price/Loan Rate 1980/81 – 2003/ Source:USDA/WASDE: August 12, 2003
July KCBT Wheat Prices High, Low, Close, and Loan Rate
High and Low July KCBT Wheat prices
Seasonal Price Index for Wheat June 1993 – May 2003 Source:USDA:
Kansas City Wheat Nearby Daily Futures
Chicago Wheat Nearby Futures
Minneapolis Wheat Nearby Futures
Kansas City Wheat December 2003 Contract
Chicago Wheat December 2003 Contract
Minneapolis Wheat December 2003 Contract
Kansas City Wheat July 2004 Contract
Chicago Wheat July 2004 Contract